
Feb 25, 2009 01:55

I have been studying for my Lit Theory midterm (which is in the morning) with Blake and Alicia for SIX. HOURS. My brain?? It is melted. It is just...it is gone. I will wake up and scream about hermeneutics and new historicism and the sign and the signified and the signifiers and the cow that is the idea of a cow because one true idea of a cow can ( Read more... )

dorkiness like whoa, english major bs, insomnia strikes again, real life, meme, mac=love new friends, tests

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Comments 7

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that_september February 25 2009, 14:36:43 UTC
Haha, probably should have explained the King Cake thing. It's a traditonal Mardi Gras cake...basically like a really big, round, tubular cinnamon roll with green, gold, and purple frosting on it. Inside the cake, somewhere, there's a little plastic baby, which I guess is supposed to represent Jesus. If you find the baby, you buy the next King Cake.

i hope it last for a few more years! i'm wondering though, what's the difference between a PC and a Mac?

Oh I do too. I'm mad mine didn't, but Dell is notorious for this (apparently). From what I understand, Macs are stronger in general - less chance of viruses, better made, etc. I'm not an expert by any means though xD.


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that_september February 25 2009, 23:35:37 UTC
hahaha, sounds yummy AND fun! xD

Oh, it is! :D

Ummm well, you CAN have Windows on a Mac, but they don't come with it installed. Macs have their own software.


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that_september February 25 2009, 23:35:53 UTC
Aww, thank you. :3


annaxbanana February 25 2009, 23:13:06 UTC
hi new friend! :)
all that studying sucks...try not to let your brain melt too much! lol thats cool you're getting a new computer. i want one so bad! i've always had pc's so maybe the next time, i might try a mac.

and wow, you're 6'2?? that makes me embarrassed to even say how tall short i am!


that_september February 25 2009, 23:37:32 UTC
Hi there! :D

My brain appears to still be solid *crosses fingers*. I am excited to try Mac...it'll be different, but good different, I hope.

Haha yeah, unfortunately, I am 6'2. I'll trade with you!


annaxbanana February 26 2009, 00:13:36 UTC
yay! *keeps fingers crossed*
i'm 5'1...even with heels, i'm still short! lol


heartpause March 2 2009, 13:36:46 UTC
MACBOOOOOOOOOK♥♥♥♥ I wish I had a Pro but it's fine 'cause at least I have a MacBook at all & OMG Macs are SO MUCH LOVE, don't you think??? :D:D:D


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