
Sep 27, 2007 22:03

Ok, so the premiere of  The Office?

--THANK YOU GOD. At last, Jim and Pam are DATING. They are too adorable. I love how they try to be secretive and everyone suspects them anyways. Kevin was hilarious! Who knew he cared so much? <3333

--Oh wow, poor Angela. I actually felt bad for her. Dwight is a horrible boyfriend, dude--how could he kill poor Sprinkles?? Though of course I don't see why Angela would entrust the life of her cat to him in the first place. "...and oh yeah, your cat is dead."  *Angela starts to cry* "W-what did she look like?" ..."A dead cat?"

Oh my God, Dwight. Oh. My.God.

--Michael gets more ridiculous each season. He HIT Meredith with his CAR. He started a charity for a disease that already has a cure and gave the money "raised" to a stripper. He said, "Come in!" when he was half-naked. Poor, poor Pam. *shudders*

--Stanley, hahahaha. I love that dude. Everything he says is hilarious.

--Ryan is so cute with a scruffy beard. Hee hee hee. :D

--...Did I mention the JimPam? Because it was literally the most adorable thing I've seen on TV in a long, long time and it made me almost as happy as the RHr in Deathly Hallows. I actually squealed, as pathetic as that is.

I love this show. Like, a lot.


Now I have a week until the Supernatural season three premiere! *dances some more* I'm so psyched. :D

the office, fangirling

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