I ain't afraid of no ghost!

Oct 31, 2008 12:10


I hope everyone gets lots of delicious candy and has a spooktacular day :D . Yes, I am a dork. What of it?

Lol I'm sitting in the dining hall, munching on grapes before my last class, and the power just went out. Only for a few seconds, but everyone started freaking out, and this one guy yelled out,


See, I'm not the only dork. :P

I was going to dress up in my pirate costume but changed my mind at the last second. It's not cold out, exactly, but it's definitely not prime weather for a skimpy dress. And, as I suspected, there are not that many people on campus dressed up--I did, however, see a guy walking around in the most kick-ass Jedi costume ever. He even had his head bowed and the hood pulled down low over his eyes!!! I wanted to give him a high-five, but he didn't look very approachable lol.

Ah well...if Ana and I go to the haunted house tonight, I'll go crazy then. I'm definitely watching Ghostbusters tonight, which I have never seen before, and I might be able to rent a scary movie or two. Plus I have Reese's. Woo!!

I feel like I should write SPN or Harry Potter fic in the spirit of the day, but not much inspiration has swung my way. Any ideas, oh wonderful and mighty f-list?

Oh, lol--am I the only one concerned about devouring a ton of candy? I think I will be carefully checking for razor blades. And no way in hell am I bobbing for apples. Just...no. D8


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