Jack Sparrow/RUM--now there's a change I can believe in!

Oct 24, 2008 12:32

Well folks, I just took advantage of early voting and now I am sitting under a tree in true college student style. It's the first time I've been able to vote period, and it's cool that it's the presidential election. I'm feeling very grown-up and cool right now, but I am sure that will melt away the next time I see a puppy or want hot chocolate or whatever. As of now, it feels good to geekily proudly wear my "I VOTED!" sticker.

Obama has my vote, at any rate. I wont flee the country if McCain wins, but Obama is the one who makes me believe that change is actually possible this time around. Plus, Obama didn't put women's health in quotes or refer to his opponent as "THAT ONE." And Jack Sparrow somehow didn't make the ticket this year, so. :P

(LOL, I've also been meaning to link this: An Interview with McCain and Obama (In the Year 2012). It's possibly the most hilarious thing I've ever read regarding the election.)

Hm, well, I also just signed up to audition for a couple one act plays, which is pretty awesome. We have to prepare a 90 second monologue, and I think I'm going to go with Lady Macbeth's infamous "out damned spot!" speech. I won second place in my school's Shakespeare monologue contest with it last year, so I've already got it memorized and I feel like I'm pretty confident about it. *crosses fingers* I've been missing theatre a lot this fall...I'd really like to make it into one of these plays.

Blargh, well, I suppose I'd better go and read this short story for creative writing before class. This pesky school part of college...hmph. I don't know what I was thinking. xD

theatre, lolz, 2008 election, barack the vote

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