Anything you can do, I can do better!

Apr 16, 2008 14:27

So I have to go to work in like fifteen minutes, and I'm going straight from there to Jenna's house. I'm just wasting time (as per usual), submitted my first entry to challenge one at
ldws, which I am decidedly nervous about, considering I'm not sure I understood what the point of my drabble was supposed to be. *cough* Whatever. I'm sure I'll be fine--it wasn't badly written, just weird.

Anyway, I was having some random thoughts about feminism, and whether it's true that "girls can do anything boys can do." I mean, aside from the obvious exceptions to that, I was wondering what y'all thought about it. I know where I stand--I think it's very true...up to a point.

So, there's this girl at my school who petitioned to join the football team. She got a ton of support from the community, and the administration basically strong-armed the coach into letting her on the team. Everyone was really excited about it, and a bunch of the girls at my school were calling her "revolutionary," considering I live in a pretty small, conservative town. I know she's not the first girl in the world to join a guy's football team, but here, it was a big deal.

Everyone was divided on it--there were the people who thought she was brave and seriously kick-ass, and the people who thought she was a complete and total idiot. I'm sure there were also sexist jackasses out there, but I'm not including them.

Anyway, guess which side I fell on.

Look, there are some girls at my school who would be fine to join the football team--myself, for one, if I was athletic and into that kind of thing. I'm 6'1, and about 180 pounds. If I muscled up, I could probably be ok. There's another girl who's 6'3" and probably well over 200 pounds (she's not fat, just solid) who could also hold her own out there.

The girl who actually DID join the football team? 5'1 and maybe 125 pounds, tops. She's athletically built, but, uh. Sorry. THAT'S STUPID. Guys who play footbal beef up so that they can hit hard. They tend to be taller and heavy. She could not only get seriously hurt out there, she could get killed. I just think it was a completely stupid move, to be perfectly honest.

I remember being at a game (I was only there to see the marching band 'cause I'm a huge geek), and everyone was chanting, "LET HER PLAY! LET HER PLAY!" because the coach, smart guy that he was, had benched her the whole game. I was like, "If she plays, I think I'll leave so I don't have to witness the bloodshed."

Don't get me wrong, I admire her for wanting to play...but guy's football? She should have petitioned for a girl's team, seriously. I don't know, maybe I'm just, sexist? That doesn't seem like the right word. I just don't think it makes sense for a girl that small to play a contact sport with guys who could snap her neck without trying, you know?

So, here's a poll. I seriously am interested in what people on the f-list think about this. It's an intriguing topic!

Poll Feminism WOO!

deep thoughts, ldws

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