I came here from the Pit of Voles after reading and reviewing your awesome story about Dudley meeting up with Harry for Christmas. I read your profile and was very intrigued despite pairing differences. Care to friend and be friended?
So I'll save myself the review reply, thanks for the great review and the PM! I'd definitely love to be friends (hey, who says H/Hr and R/Hr shippers can't be pals?). =]
Luna! *recovers* Of course, we can. Especially since we have a love of Luna in common! *bright grin*
Feel free to check out my journal, too. I just changed the layout completely a couple of days ago. It used to be House, Cuddy, and Wilson-centric. I decided to give my favorite OT3 a break. It's been months and there's sex to be had.
I would love your comments on my fanfiction. They're all filed away in my memories if you're interested. You'll find House/Cuddy, House/Cuddy/Wilson, House and Chase gen, a House/Harry Potter crossover (*cackles*), and a Harry Potter/The O.C., season one crossover, among other things.
*bright grin*
Feel free to check out my journal, too. I just changed the layout completely a couple of days ago. It used to be House, Cuddy, and Wilson-centric. I decided to give my favorite OT3 a break. It's been months and there's sex to be had.
Ooooh, House, Cuddy, and Wilson=♥. I'm heading over to your journal ASAP. :D :D
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