I GOT MY LISCENCE!!!!1eleventy-one!

Jan 15, 2008 20:23

As of yesterday, I am FINALLY liscened. This is a big, big deal, as I'm sure you know, lol. I was so excited and anxious--I couldn't believe it when the Proctor Dude told me I passed!

It's the weirdest feeling--I can drive myself wherever, whenever, without my mom or dad freaking out on me. I'm honestly a better driver with no one in the car because I'm not constantly worrying if they're judging me.


In other news, midterms are coming up, and I'm not looking froward to it. Next week I have to take these Regents exams I missed when I was in China last year, which are ridiculously easy, but time-consuming. And pointless. And yeah, sometimes I hate the NY school system...

Oh oh oh, I also have a bunch of new LJ friends, so...HI GUYS!!! :D

Also, it is snowing. Snow day tomorrow? Probably not, but I'm crossing my fingers anyways.

Wow, I'm being really really random tonight. I'm still hyper from being able to drive, I guess. It's so sad when getting a liscence is the most exciting thing in my life at the moment, isn't it?

Mwahaha! I may be back later to post memes or fanfic (if I finish!) or something.

randomness, liscence, real life, f-list

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