thinly veiled excuse for a post.

Jan 21, 2011 15:18

1. I am getting glasses. This is a) secretly kind of thrilling, because I was the nerd who always wanted glasses, and b) a little bit annoying, because my eyes have been killing me for awhile and I should have done something about it sooner. But yes. I am far sighted and I can pick the glasses up by next Friday.

2) Because I am an ever-enterprising broke college kid, I'm going to go to an "interview" in about five minutes where I can potentially become a tutor. A tutor for people who can't write and/or critique literature. If this goes well, I could make millions. :D

3) Tomorrow, I have a mandatory four hour staff meeting for work, after which I will have a two hour break...and then go to work for eight hours. Downside: there goes my Saturday, and with it, half my weekend. Upside: I'm gonna make a crapton of money. Other downside: I won't see that money for at least four more weeks. Other upside: Maybe people will have pity on me tomorrow night and tip me? It happens every few months or so. I'm due!

4) Strawberry yogurt: it is delicious.

5) I have to leave to venture to the other side of campus, off to a place I hardly dare tread for fear of being eaten alive: the Engineering Center.

geekiness like whoa, nerdom, show me the monies, what i do when i'm bored, drunkaholics of boulder

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