Someday, I'll get back in the swing of this.

Dec 20, 2010 17:25

*tentatively peeks out*

Oh, hi, El Jay. Long time no talk.

I'm sorry I've been so absent lately. I've been a bad LJer in general--the last month has been super stressful, to say the least. Thankfully, I finished my finals and am enjoying this first week of break. Tomorrow, my mom and sister get here, and I drive down to my aunt and uncle's house with my boyfriend to spend Christmas and New Year's with them. Then, on New Year's day, my family, my boyfriend, and I will fly to California for a week before school starts up again.

Right now, I'm a little stressed out. My kitty is very sick. :(

I honestly don't know what's going to happen to her. She hasn't eaten in days and can't keep any food down. I took her to the vet for the second time in a week yesterday, and they ran lots of tests, only to decide that it looks like she might have lymphoma, a type of cancer kitties are prone to. She's getting an ultrasound tomorrow to confirm. Hopefully, it's not that, but it's worrisome and expensive and she's so sick. I don't know what's going to happen or what I'm going to do financially--I can't afford too many more of these vet bills. The one tomorrow will bottom my account out. And then I have to leave her for two weeks...she'll be with a pet sitter (providing they can get her to keep food down at the vet), and providing I don't have to make any awful decisions tomorrow...right now, I honestly don't know. She's lost so much weight in just a matter of a week, and it's disconcerting, because otherwise, she seems fine. Maybe a little lethargic, but nothing really overt. She wants to cuddle and she bats things around on the floor. It's just hard to believe that there could be something seriously wrong...and then she throws up all her food, and I remember. Poor little girl.

On the bright side, I am looking forward to Christmas. We might get some snow here in Colorado (fingers crossed! I'd love a white Christmas!) and it'll be really nice to spend it with family and with my boyfriend. I've managed to get everyone a few little things, and I plan to make lots of cookies and spend time relaxing. My final grades are starting to come in: a B, an A, and an A- so far. I'm crossing my fingers for another A and hopefully a B. Or a B-. Just not a C, pleasepleaseplease. This one class almost killed me and I'm more than a little nervous about how I did on the final.

It's hard to believe 2010 is almost over, and that Christmas is just a few days away! If you celebrate Christmas, I hope you're gearing up for a lovely holiday. If you don't, then I hope you're gearing up to enjoy some relaxing, hopefully work-free days as well.

I'm going to try to be around and commenting on people's things more now that I'm not buried in mounds of schoolwork, and I'm sending lots of warm wishes your way. <3

(ETA: Oh, oh, are you guys going to watch the lunar eclipse tonight? I'm actually kind of excited. :D) 

christmas, sad stuff, here kitty kitty, holidaze, real life, what do you do with a b.a. in english

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