pick one: sleep or graduation.

Nov 01, 2010 13:42

Man, I hate registration. More specifically, I hate coming up with a schedule that somehow fulfills my requirements for graduation but doesn't bore me to death. Also, just once, I would like a semester where I don't have class before 11:00 AM. I am really not a morning person.

Right now I am trying to juggle some of my "core credits" and potentially knock out some more science requirements. Fun times!

On a totally unrelated note, does anybody have any book recommendations? I have about $100 worth of unused Barnes & Noble gift cards from my birthday, and I would really like to find some decent reading. My issue lately has been that everything I pick up just loses my interest. I'm looking for some really legit sci-fi (more along the lines of Firefly-ish stuff), potentially some more serious stuff, really good humor, or any Joyce Carol Oates recs. Or really, anything you've read lately that was above and beyond. :D

And now to stop by the bank, because guessss what? It's rent day, and I don't have any checks. I'm looking forward to being broke for the next two weeks.

book talk, school=evil, real life

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