no longer a teenager!

Sep 10, 2010 10:41

Sooo, yesterday was my birthday, and it was pretty awesome.

Doesn't it always feel weird when your birthday is over? I mean, the day before feels weird and the day of feels weird and the day after feels weird, too. Or maybe that's just me.

But anyway! I woke up to presents from my mom, who sent me WAY more than I was expecting. I got seasons one and two of The Big Bang Theory (!!!), another cookbook (are we sensing a pattern, here?), two gift cards to Barnes and Noble, and a Jamba Juice gift card! I was in heaven.

Then, after long, boring classes, I got to hang out with my wonderful friends and pick up my cake from this place called Boulder Baked. The guy gave me the weirdest look when I went to get it--my mom ordered it, and she had told me I would enjoy the inscription. The guy goes, "Uh, let me just check the spelling on this...O-W-L-E-X?"

Me: *facedesk* Sorry, I'm weird, and so is my family.

Guy: ....Okay?

So yeah, the cake says "Happy Birthday, Owlex!" ...because I like owls and Blake decided to call me Owlex and then my family got wind of it, and yeah. That was pretty hilarious. And the cake? Was AMAZING. It's so ridiculously chocolatey and good.

I went to Panera for dinner (mmm, french onion soup in a sourdough breadbowl!) and then my friends were LAME and had to go do HOMEWORK or go to CLASS (psh, how silly of them), but my friend Becky hung out with me for another hour or so before going to write an essay, and we watched Big Bang Theory and it was amazing.


The only not-so-good part of the day was the fact that the Fourmile Fire was spreading towards Boulder. They were concerned because of high winds, it might hit the city, and people were told to get ready to evacuate. Luckily, I wasn't in the zone that needed to evacuate, and they were able to hold city lines! There's still some concern, but as of now the fire is thirty percent contained, and some people are allowed to return to their homes! I've got my fingers crossed they can nip this in the bud, ASAP.

Ack, okay, gotta go to my one Friday class. :) I

family, birthdayness, fire, i love my best friends

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