and you drove me to places I'll never forget

Mar 26, 2010 22:03

I'm tired of saying goodbye to people I love, even if it's not for very long.

I'm also starting to feel old.russiantwinz has been writing a fantastic fic for the past two years, and she just finished it. I think I'm going to do a blast to the past and write some good old fashioned Harry Potter kindasorta but not really self-insert fic.

In the meantime, here are some memes.

Ask me a question about each (or any) of the following (I will post answers in a separate entry.):

1. Friends
2. Sex
3. Music
4. Drugs
5. Love
6. LiveJournal

No matter how rude, sexual, or confidential. Then post this in your journal and see what questions you get asked.

What song are you currently addicted to?

"Ready to Go" from the MAMD soundtrack, lol. Kudos if you know what that is. :D

What books are you currently reading?

Saving Cicadas by Nicole Seitz.

What's the most enjoyable thing you've done today?
Seeing Hot Tub Time Machine with Nicole and Blake. Oh my God, lol, it was absolutely ridiculous. Exactly what I expected, and I needed the laugh.

What is the one skill you wish you had?
Drawing! Man, I've always wanted to be able to sketch or paint well. God knows I doodle all over everything; at least it could be GOOD.

What is your favorite historical era?
The Tudor period. Not very orignial, but ever since I read the Elizabeth Princess Diary book when I was eight, I've been fascinated.

What's your current fandom/obsession/addiction?
I really love AVPM and MAMD right now. I'm also pretty into The Big Bang Theory right now, though more for the Sheldon/Penny fic than anything. SPN and HP are my two constants, as well as Firefly and Buffy, but I don't get too involved in most fandoms. I just don't mesh well with large groups of people. I'm the weird loner/recluse who pops up occasionally with fic or my two cents.

If you were to act on your impulses, what would you be doing?
Eating way too much chocolate. Hopping on a plane to Colorado and then to New York. Buying lots of cute clothes and books.

What Web sites do you always visit when you go online?
Yahoo, Livejournal (:D ), Facebook. Those are my three constants, followed closely by Jezebel and Cracked.

What was the last thing you bought?
I paid to park in the airport parking lot for forty-five minutes.

Which fictional character do you think you're most like?
I'm a lot like Hermione in some ways, more like Neville in others. I also really identify with Willow for like the first three or four seasons of Buffy, and with Macy in The Truth About Forever by Sarah Dessen.

What book do you think everyone should read?
God, I have too many of these. I'll give you my top three: The Things They Carried by Tim O'Brien, because it says so much about truth and life and war and love and it makes you understand; I Am the Messenger by Markus Zusack, because you will find yourself in Ed Kennedy and his quest and learn more than you imagined; and finally, Looking For Alaska by John Green, because YA lit is rarely fantastic, heartfelt, or life-changing, and even more rarely meaningful.

Do you get cravings? If so, what do you crave?
I always crave ice cream. Sometimes cookies and/or candy.  Pretty much, I crave stuff that's bad for me. I think that's the point of cravings.

What is the best place you've ever been?
Tough question. Really tough. Probably Victor, NY. It's not exactly a happening place, but it's really a beautiful town and holds so much importance for me.

What was the last meal you ate?
Cereal this morning.

Do you want to learn another language?
I really need to get my Spanish back. I wasn't ever fluent, but I was a hell of a lot better than I am now. I can still (mostly) understand it when it's spoken to me or written, at least.

Six things you can't live without. (I'll forgo the obvious food, water, air, etc.)
1. My family and friends.
2. Books.
3. Writing.
4. Music.
5. Solitude.
6. My imagination.

Find the closest book currently sitting near you and flip to page 54. What is the first sentence of the second paragraph?
"What? What is it?" Janie asked. (Saving Cicadas by Nicole Seitz).

What's something you'd like to say to someone right now?
I need you to be there again. Please don't forget me.

What are you looking forward to?
Going to New York mid-April.

I'm so tired for some reason. I really want to write. I want to read. I want to watch a movie. I want to not feel lonely.

It's only 10:00. The night is still young, right?

writer's block, real life, meme

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