I don't know what's with this week, but TV Thursday disappointed me! D: D: D:
I'm not even sure what to say about The Office. That was probably the most pointless episode they've aired in...well...ever?
I mean, they spent the entire thing just showing clips from previous episodes. Good clips, yes, but this just felt like, "Well, we ran out of ideas at last. Let's just make them forget how weak the writing's been lately with these shiny clips of Awesomeness Past." It just makes me so sad. Why are they half-assing it? There were a handful of "new" funny moments, but they were so far and few between. Looking at those clips just reminded me how fantastic The Office used to be and how now it's just...lackluster. The last good episode was Jim and Pam's wedding, I swear. I sincerely hope they either do something to revamp the show and get it back where it should be or end the series. I think this proves they're pretty much done.
I don't have complaints about 30 Rock, really - I laughed more than The Office, at any rate. I think if I go back and rewatch the episode, I'll probably appreciate it more. I do know for certain that my love for Kenneth is eternal.
SPN was...um. I...don't know?
Okay, so on one hand, I liked the initial premise of this. Sam and Dean get themselves committed; hilarity and creepiness ensue. I'm down. I giggled more than once during the scene where they were playing the head psychiatrist. Oh, boys.
(Also, um, Jared Padalecki is freaking HUGE. I know this isn't new or anything, but goddamn, he's like. SO SOLID. AND GINORMOUS IN EVERY SENSE. I just could not stop ogling him, lol. Jensen is so ridiculously pretty that usually I'm focused on him, but for whatever reason I was noticing Jared a lot more tonight. Maybe it was the pajamas? I feel like they made him look even broader. Ahem, anyway, we now end the utterly shallow portion of this TV-themed post.)
I think my problem arises with my frustration that this show is so insensitive about so many things, and I just can't...I dunno, get past that at the moment. I did like the descent into craziness for both boys, and the slow realization for them and the viewer.
Also, it was probably wrong of me to get hung up on this, but another woman died. She was evil, yeah, but after Jo and Ellen, I'm especially sensitive. I'm so tired of this shit. I knew it was the nurse from the second she stepped on screen, and I kept hoping against all hope it would be somebody else. Also, when are we going to see more women hunters? Come on, show.
This episode did bring up some interesting points about the boys - Sam's rage, Dean's fear - and I enjoyed that a lot. Got creeped out by the crazy probiscus/claw thing the wraith had and Sam freaking sawing off that guy's head. The tone of the episode was disjointed and creepy, and overall nicely done. I am, once again, concerned about the police being on their tail, because seriously? Two "criminally insane" guys are now on the loose. I'd be surprised if that didn't come back to bite them.
All in all, it was an alright episode. I guess after such a long break I was hoping for a little better? I dunno, maybe I'm just hard to please right now.
*sigh* Oh well. I still have to watch FNL, Castle, and Grey's, so maybe not all hope is lost! And I got my astronomy homework done in a rather timely fashion, so maybe I should try to get more than three hours of sleep tonight.