I love Thursday nights. :D

Nov 01, 2007 23:00

--Yay, creepy fairytales!! I'm down for the three little pigs being construction guys. (Jeez, though, that opening was intense.)
--OMFG SAMMY YOU CANNOT DRAWWWW. *has hysterical laughing fit* Dean is horrible; why in the world would he make somebody with so little artistic talent the sketch artist?! xDD 
--Aghhhh the Hansel and Gretl thing. I started covering my eyes the minute I saw the house--that Grandma was just too sweetly creepy to be anything but trouble. AND OMG the little girl watching! I thought we had a talk about how there would be no more creepy kids, Kripke! WERE YOU EVEN PAYING ATTENTION???
--The frog? Hahahahaha. And Dean thinks Sam is gay for knowing about Cinderella? HE was the one who was all, "I'm not kissing a damn frog!" I thought princesses were the ones who generally puckered up, Dean. xD 
--Dude, I knew it would be someone in a coma. Snow White!! And the girl's evil stepmom poisioned her? *shudder* I feel sooooo sorry for that doctor.
--The doctor buying into everything so fast was a little too neat and tidy, but whatever. It was sad. : (  And Dean was getting pwned! By a wolfman! =o
--Sammmmmyyyyyy whyyyy?!?!?! I don't want you to keep being so creepy. He didn't need to kill that demon, and he ended an innocent woman's life. Just...that really was the scariest part of the episode, if ya ask me. And nooo, Dean!! You can't die! I refuse to believe Kripke would kill him off, even if by some horrible twist of fate SPN didn't get renewed for a new season. *crosses fingers*
--Ooh, a ghost ship for the next ep. Mayhap we'll run into Cap'n Jack Sparrow? :D  '

--I love Stanley, omg. He's priceless, and he LAUGHED for the first time ever on the show. 
--Poor Karen. I never thought I'd feel sorry for her...and even now, I feel kinda bad that I can't work up a whole lot more sympathy than I'm feeling now. Jim and Pam were meant to be, and she kinda got caught in the middle. It wasn't her fault, and it wasn't fair, but it wasn't something anybody could help. Except Jim, maybe, because he should have known better than to date her when he was still in love with Pam. Just sayin', is all.
--Michael. Oh, Michael. "Looking for middle-aged black man with sass. Must have big butt, and even bigger heart!" *dies* I <3 this show.
--The Finer Things Club, lolz. Toby, Oscar, and Pam try so hard to be cultured, but they kind of fail when they're taking over a break-room in the middle of a boring little office in Scranton. Jim's membership at the end--"Oh yeah, Angela's Ashes was a fun read!"

"....Did you even read it?"


Jim is too adorable. <333333333333 So much loveee.

*sigh* It's been a crazy week!

I actually went trick-or-treating on Halloween, which is lame, I know, but hey, my friends dragged me along by reminding me that this was "OUR LAST YEAR TO BE KIDS!"

Me: Guys, I thought we were done being kids....what...when we were freshman?
Them: ...*shifty eyes* We're not legally adults for another few months!
Me: I thought last year was the last year we were going to go trick-or-treating?
Them: We lied to you!
Me: But this is really a holiday for little kids, you know. It's not fair to take their candy--
Me: Tut tut. Language! :D

Yes, I accepted candy, so I was slightly hypocrtical, but ah well. I dressed up like a pirate! I know, so original--I think this year, everyone and their MOM was a pirate--but who cares? I've had original Halloween costumes all my life, and I decided this year I wasn't going to put much effort into it. For example, freshman year my friend and I were mimes. Then the next year, everyone dressed up as wacked-out pageant contestants (aka, I was Miss Hap, so I had bandages and crutches and whatnot, and then my friend was Miss Behavior, so she looked badass,  and so on and so forth). I saw the pirate costume at the store in September, decided it was smexy, and snagged it. Easiest costume I ever picked out.

Of course, my best friend Katie's ex, Jordan  (who I happen to still be friends with) somehow got dragged into the group of us that were going around by my friends Zack, Matt, and Christine...and Katie isn't on the best of terms with Jordan. So she ditched us, which kind of pissed me off, but luckily I have wonderful guy friends who distracted me by stealing what little candy I had and taking my pirate hat and sword and putting me in headlocks while shoving racoon puppets in my face.

...Yeah, I have interesting friends. To give you a good description of my pal Zack, he's extremely muscular and built as solidly as a brick wall, he wears his own wisdom teeth (and other people's, actually o_O) around his neck, and at our senior Halloween party,  he won "most original costume" because he was wearing the skin of a bear that he had gone out into the woods to shoot. Conversely, he's probably one of the nicest guys you'll ever meet--he has proven chivalry is not dead.

So yeah, HE'S an interesting character. xD

Then there's my friend Matt, who dressed up as a mouse. He's about 6'4 and is gangly as all get-out, so he was quite a sight to see, practically elbowing four-year-olds out of the way to get to the candy bowl. I can't tell you how many startled looking homeowners I apologized to last night, sigh. Considering Zack had decided NOT to dress up in his bear skin (dear God, even typing that is weird) and instead wore complete camo and painted his face and looked like he was in the army (he wasn't trick-or-treating though), they were understandably confused.  He could lay down in a yard and just completely blend in. Occasionally, he would disappear, then call one of us and tell us exactly what we were doing.

Anyyyyyways, wow.  That's enough about Halloween, haha.

I now officially have a job; I went in for training and everything! It's going to be insane--I'm working at this great resturant in the food court at the mall that's makes fresh, healthy food (no, I am not shamelessly advertising my place of employment, what are you talking about??? *cough*), and their menu is HUGE. I have to memorize everything on it and be able to recite stuff at the drop of a hat.

Should be cool.

Also, I get my liscence next month!! Dude, I'm psyched--only a few more weeks of taking the stupid bus.

Annnnnd finally, next Thursday is opening night of the fall play, in which I am the Grand Duchess Olga Katrina of Russia. :D

So wow, that was an interseting ramble. I've now exhausted myself and will be off to bed.


the office, fangirling, spn, real life

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