+Loved the opening montage with all the juxtapositions. Sam working in a bar is HAWT. Sam in bed with his lovely (albeit dead) girlfriend is HAWT. It's also ridiculously heartbreaking. (Hearing Dean say, "Eat it, Twilight," just about did me in, by the way). And aww, don't worry, lonely!Dean, I will ride shotgun with you while you wait for Sammy to return!!
+ I adore Castiel and the fact that he has no concept of personal space so much.
+ Aw, Bobby. <3 You hang in there.
+ Lindsay kind of annoys me. Just...is there really any reason to be that pushy? I dunno, I get the point of her character and everything, but that "I MUST KNOW EVERY DETAIL OF YOUR LIFE EVEN THOUGH WE JUST MET!" thing really grates on my nerves. I think it comes from being a private person myself, but I feel for Sammy here.
+ Dean and Castiel teaming up? Is amazing. And Castiel is so completely horrible at pretending to be human, hahaha. "It was probably angels and demons," he says, all adorable and non-chalant. I died. Dean's expressions of horror throughout were priceless.
+ "You are NOT dying a virgin. Not on my watch." Oh Jesus. This can't be good.
+ CASTIEL'S EXPRESSION. The pure terror in his eyes! "THIS IS A PLACE OF INEQUITY." Oh my God, I love this show so much.
+ Ugh, I really don't like it when Dean reminds me of what a pig he can be. "This whole business is founded on absent fathers." Shut the hell up. I also hate that he took Cas to a brothel at all. I mean, of course he would, but still. *sigh* KRIPKE, WORK ON THE SEXISM PLZKTHX.
+ On the other hand, it makes me alternatively gleeful and utterly heartbroken that seeing Castiel's antics made Dean laugh harder than he has in years. Oh, sweetie. :[
+ John's hunting buddies! Also very pushy. >:[ God, I'm not usually so protective of Sam, but leave him the hell alone already! He's trying to be good, here.
+ I feel awful for the guy who was Rafael's vessel. Angels continue to be utter dicks to humans.
+ Kay, Rafael is scary. D: Dean, must you always run your mouth off? I love you dearly, but c'mon. He is one scary mofo, even with that ring of fire.
+ AH, PLEASE DON'T HURT SAM! (And yep, here's where Lindsay finds out the horrible truth at last. D:)
+ God is dead? Well, shit.
+ I really hate people sometimes. I don't care if you just saw your best friend get killed - yeah, that's awful, yeah, I can understand being traumatized and out for revenge, but you do not go around threatening innocent people like Lindsay or forcing demon blood down somebody's throat because you want justice. That's sick and wrong and there's no excuse in the world that can justify it. *gets off soapbox* In other news, I'm so proud of Sam right here.
+ Lol, Dean is a terrible influence on Castiel. "Tonight, you're my little bitch." Watch your mouth, angel boy. Dean is no role model.
+ He is, however, so, so, incredibly broken. DEEEEEN. *squishes him* I know you don't really want to be alone, love. It's good that he and Sam are separated right now--they need to learn how to stand on their own--but Dean is so constantly abandoned by people that I think he's tired of fighting it at this point. I like the parallels right now between the Winchesters and the angels--both abandoned by seemingly omnipotent fathers, turning brother against brother...it's really depressing, but intriguing and not neccessarily something I expected to see.
+ I don't believe God is dead, either, Cas.
+ Sam is the vessel? Great. Didn't see THAT one coming or anything. *facedesk* This poor kid can never catch a freaking break.
(Next week's ep? LOOKS AMAZING. I won't spoil it for anyone who doesn't want to know, but OMGGGGG. )
THE COLD OPEN. Oh my GOD. Michael, what is the matter with you? I love Oscar for his neverending desire to believe Michael is a normal, decent person, even if his dreams are always shattered two seconds into any conversation.
Dwight and Toby spying on Darryl was PRICELESS. Toby is hilarious<3.
Jim and Michael as co-managers is not going to work. Michael can't even stand it if Toby has to talk to everyone about something; he's not going to deal with Jim being in charge, too. Just...no. I'm afraid for that whole branch, lol.
Dwight's reaction at the end broke me, ahahaha. I could not stop laughing.
Oh wow, so much TV packed into one short night. I still have to watch Glee and Grey's!! Ahhhh.