Oct 18, 2006 06:58
So as it turns out, every day I seem to have more and more to say, on just about everything, but I haven't updated and written any of it, and now by and large forgot what I wanted to say.
I did however hear that apparently the person Anne of Green Gables had a diary of her own, which is now published and readable by the public at large. Do you think that this journal will ever bring me success like that? Do you think that one day the house that I live in will be preserved as a monument for future generations to enjoy, and then burn down in a freak accedent and a crazy group of jappos will offer to fix it back up? Is preserving a house which has a history and fixing damage such as fire right, or is leaving the fire-damage there then become part of the house's history and should be preserved? All deep questions.
Today I started painting a portrate of my great grandmother from a picture of her when she was younger. She doesn't look like that anymore, she kind of has... old, you know? Like, wrinkles and stuff. The kind of thing you'd expect from a 90+ year old, sure. But it's a very nice picture, and it deserves no less that a very nice portrate, and seeing as how it's my first attempt at canvas... well I didn't figure that would be a challenge enough so I had to swap a bunch of things and so forth. Like I always say, nothing worth doing is ever easy! Wait, I don't always say that... I heard it somewhere before and just said it once earlier today. I'm a saying theaf! I prowl the night looking for the very best in sayings so I can take them and use them to my devious ends.
Future generations are going to think I'm a nutter.
But I guess that's ok. I mean everyone in the present thinks that already, and I'm sure it's written somewhere in the Bible that "one day there shall be a boy, and he shall be queer, happy but not gay, if you get my drift." I'm sure it was exactly like that, too.
Work is going well, I'm slowly getting further away from the degrading housework and landscaping stuff and back into the confusing and exasperating construction side of things. I was nailing stuff, and it seems I've gotten over hitting my thumb with the hammer, which is a step in the right direction without a doubt, but I was hitting my fingers on the form I was nailing, so I don't think I'm completely cured of my uselessness quite yet. In the end I have sore fingers and a bruised ego, but there's a light at the end of the tunnel, or so I hear!
It occurs to me that I'm not actually going to think of anything relevent to post tonight, so I apologise for wasting your time getting to this point and hoping that maybe I'll validate the effort and time put forward to read this, and while I'm apologising I might as well apologise for September 11th, the Challenger exploding, and... oh, all the deaths caused by World War II. I apologise for all these irrelevent apologies, and so that will be my last apology. And for that I apologise.