Game Night And Some More

Mar 11, 2007 10:50

Today was amazing, because when I got home from church, I did something I've needed to do for a long, long time. I took a nap. And I feel so much better!
I've been doing non-stop work and then going out at night, and spending almost no down time at home, so I've been pretty exhausted. Last night after work, I ate a quick dinner and then scooted off to a friend's house, where a bunch of us got together and played games. It was designated a "game's night" and we were supposed to bring board games, so I brought my games. Risk, Axes & Allies, and Chess. We didn't play any of them, which is good, because they thought to bring actual party games, like Pictionary and Taboo. We had a riot! Of course I blamed the other team for stacking the teams because they beat us pretty good at Pictionary (their excuse was that I made the teams so it was my fault... what a weak excuse) but it was pretty neck and neck for Taboo. I admit fault for loosing that one, because on my last round, I gota word... what was it... oh yeah, "street" was the word. They couldn't guess it, so I went to the next clue. But for some reason I got the giggles at that point, so I was laughing, and I couldn't think of how to decribe the clue... or the next six clues for that matter. Anyway, by the time the timer run out, I was uncontrolably laughing, so was everyone else but they didn't know why, and we had no points for that round. Ahhh good times.
Jordan and I ended up staying late having a deep theological discussion with Krista and her mom, so I got home much later than I had expected. Added with the early practice time for the skit this morning and the time change, I was pretty beat. But like I said before, I got a good nap in there, and I was right as rain in no time.
Jordan came over later and we hung out a bit before going back to the church for the practice for the Easter play, and after that we went out for ice cream. I kid around that he's a Super Hero, but I'm not joking when I say he's pretty super! In fact, all the guys and gals that are part of the Young Adults at my church are fantastic... exactly what I've been praying for. I'm so glad they all started coming.
So much joy to go around, but work tomorrow so that should keep my head below the clouds. Looking forward to Tuesday, my next day off, I have tonnes of plans. Places to go, people to see! But not you, cause you're not invited.
Just kidding.
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