I Win SO Hard!!

Mar 04, 2007 00:14

Man, am I ever rediculously tired. However, I must endure, if only for a moment, otherwise I may never get around to writing at all. Of course don't be expecting anything as wordy or embellished the way I normally do, with deep thoughts and insights into otherwise innane and irrelevant subjects poised to you to open your minds or perhaps futher your understanding on both the minute and the grandoise in but a small simple worded blog.
Or something like that.
So anyway, I had my day off yesterday, which was odd being close to the end of the week. After two days of running the show, and then a day of indepth training and theory, I really needed the break. So I slept in until a modest 11am, crawled out of bed and opened a book, read it till the end and then drove to the Gov't Agent and took my motorcycle test. Now, I don't know the first thing about motorcycles, and to be prefectly frank, they scare me to death. However, it's an image I wish to acheave, as well as a skill and an experience, so I went ahead of it. Actually, I was either going to take my bike test or my N test to get my full licence, or both, but I only ended up taking the one. I noticed while taking the test a young girl of 18 or 19 taking a test a few booths down, which she ended up passing. I was happy for her, until I overheard her mom or another lady ask if she had a helmet, and I realized she just took her bike test as well, and there was no way I could fail now. Not going to be upstaged by some girl, no way! So I did end up passing, of course, getting 32 out of 34 questions right, and only skipping four. The scariest part is that I passes so well, but I still don't know anything about motorcycles. Crazy. Well, let the fun begin, eh! The other funny part was that they made me take the eye exam again. Now, I don't know if it's just because I have an "inside edge" because of my current employment, but the last time I took the test, six years ago, I failed. This time I passed. Have my eyes like... gotten better? Hmm...
Then last night there was a concert out in Abbotsford we went out to. Stayed out until way too late though, and I was tired all day at work today. Not going to pull a stunt like that again... Then today I triple-booked myself for three different parties! I had a surprise birthday party for Bryant right after work, then a fondue party at Bronwynn's and finally a UFC party with Kjell out in Langley. I ditched the Langley party, and went to Bry's first, which was fun. Lots of food, and some pretty cool people to talk to. Then at Bronwynn's, it was kind of awkward at first, but soon we all got to know each other and it warmed up a bit. I was pretty exhausted so I wasn't really myself, but it was still fun. Too much chocolate... and midgits. Don't ask about that one.
But that's it for me now, I can't keep up this charade of being concious any longer. Nobody likes a pretender anyway.
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