Okay, so I want to post something, but I don't know what. Most of it is bitching, whining, complaining, et cetera. Everyone keeps telling me that this is a great place to do it. I disagree, but I thought I'd put a few strands in the Pensieve anyway...
Strand 1 consists of the fact that I just bought a house. Yeah, yeah, congratulations. Whoopee. The only person who didn't congratulate me was the lady at the county auditor's office that assisted me when I filed for my tax exemptions. This was evidently because I will have to wait a year and a half before my exemptions take effect. The exemptions, mind you, would cut the cost of the taxes in half so that instead of paying 2500$, I only have to pay 1200$. It would seem, however, that these particular tax exemption had to be filed before March 1. Hell, I wasn't even looking for a house in March! The previous owner failed to file the exemptions. I was informed of the deadline by the lady at the auditor's office and was told that I was ineligible for the 2005 tax exemptions (not have met the deadline and all). Therefore, I will need to save a shitload of money just so I can pay my taxes next year. Had the realtor informed me of this irksome matter, I probably wouldn't have bother to buy a house (or at least, not this one). A friend of mine who purchased his house about a year ago is telling me that it's not that big of a deal. Right...
Strand 2, I just bought a DVD+RW for 80$. It's 100% compatible with Windows XP. I checked the Microsoft Hardware Compatibility List. Evidently, this mean that Windows recognizes it and that's all. I pop in a blank DVD and the thing informs that the drive is a CD-ROM. I look up the problem on Microsoft's site and cannot find my exact problem. I find one similiar though. Oh, good! There's a fix. All I have to do is call MS tech support. Applicable charges apply. The fix is supposed to be included in their second service pack but who knows when that'll come out...
Strand 3, I should've been finishing the
GCL rumors pages today, but instead, I've been reading my Harry Potter novels. I shall probably continue to do so after I've posted this. Talk about escapism. Oh, well, I have no life so it's not a stretch to escape it.
Strand 4: Speaking of life: Mine is boring. I've feel as though life is overrated. Not so much the living part (though it may as well be also). Just those facets that most people would consider "having a life" with. I don't go to movies anymore. The only TV I watch is Inuyasha and Wolf's Rain and that's only because they are new episodes I haven't seen yet. I haven't gotten any new books and the last "new" thing I read was The Da Vinci Code. I don't visit bars because I find drunks annoying. I'm getting tired of eating the same damn shit day in and day out. All in all, I have no life. At least not one worth speaking of. If I died tomorrow, my headstone would probably read something like "Nothing". Okay, so I'm depressed. Fortunately, I'm not suicidally depressed. I don't want to end this life; I just want something new and exciting to happen in it. I tried to give myself meaning by applying for the FBI. I failed the first test I had to take. I don't know why so now I'm uncertain as to whether or not I should take the retest next year. I wouldn't mind attempting my Masters since I failed so horribly at my Bachelors. But I would have to take the GRE and CS-GRE to get into Ball State and I'm fairly certain I would fail those. And while other places like Purdue may not require a GRE, I'll bet that they would require an exceptionally high GPA, of which mine was not, hence the Bachelor of General Studies instead of the Bachelors of Computer Science. I just want something exciting to happen in my life and I'd prefer it be fairly long lasting. My JR/SR trip to King's Island was a blast, but it isn't helpful at this moment.
Strand, uh, something (I lost count and don't feel like scrolling up): In leiu of something exciting happening in my life, I'd settle for a companion. A homo sapien of the female variety. I just thought I'd clarify since I already have a cat, but I can't exactly have a life with it now can I? I don't see myself going to the movies with it or going out for dinner or any of the other crap that couples are supposed to do. And unlike noxchilde and purpleweasel and damn near every other man on the planet, I don't just want a fuck buddy. I want someone with whom I can feel a deep spiritual connection with. I thought I had found this twice before, but I was mistaken. Obviously, if I had, I wouldn't now be bitching about it, would I? Finding someone is a problem in and of itself. I don't go to bars, I don't go any other type of social gathering, and I know enough about the Internet to know no to trust it, especially since I know a guy who had deliberately posted a woman's profile (with a picture he snagged off another part of the Internet) just to see what kind of fish came to the bait. Then, even if I did trust the Internet enough to continue using an online dating service, most of them want you to post an image as it results in more attention. I tend to look younger than I actually am so people assume I don't actually look like any picture I may post or they assume I'm a liar.
Strand: I stopped running my D & D game. It has become quite evident that I take things too personally when my well laid out plans get fuckered by ingenious players. I had two people quit playing because I got pissed off. So I just thought I'd save everybody the headache and stick writing down plots in the form of stories that'll never get finished or published. So there's no point to writing them at all really.
What's most depressing is realizing how great I could be, but lacking the motivation to be so. If I hadn't suffered depression during my teenage years, I probably still could have been. The depression, however, seems to have had a very lasting effect and now, I'm just not motivated enough to care anymore. I've gone from being a True Aquarian to a Dark Aquarian (or in White Wolf terms, an Aquarian Antitribu).
This should be sufficient enough for my quarterly quota of bitching.