Title: Interlude
Pairing: James(Logan)/Victor Creed
Rating: NC17
Word Count: 3222
Notes: This was done for
heeroluva, the amazing LJer who won my auction last month at
help_haiti. I hope you enjoy!
Summary: Victor doesn't wait six years to find his brother.
Warning: Incestuous, homosexual relations beyond this point. )
Phew, that was good..! Erm, yes, I know how this sounds. My hopes to become a nice decent girl ever again were shredded. ;) Let me just say you clearly hit my bottom!Victor button and now, twelve hours after reading your fic, it still works! =D
His brother went completely still beneath him, dragging in harsh breaths through his mouth, then his legs spread wide and he let out a deep, throaty moan.
The clear sign of submission went straight to the animal in him, and James picked up an erratic pace of in-out-in-out, fucking Victor hard enough against the floor that the wood croaked in protest.
These sentences followed me around all the night, causing the, umm, strangest reactions... *starts to drool again*
The jungle rot, the land mines, the Viet Cong tunnels of death; through all the horror of death, James was drawn closer to humanity, and was Victor pushed farther away.
Hey, That´s an interesting thought (and I mean it as a compliment). I like the idea they ´ve both started at the same point and then developed in opposed directions just because of their different personalities. Somehow I always thought it must be pretty hard for Logan to adjust to human people - because, except during the few years of his childhood, he can hardly comprehend how the feel. Of course he can feel the same physical pain and exhaustion but it never lasts very long and there are a lot of things he just doesn´t have to worry about. Due to this background actually Victor´s changing of character was the much more obvious - and easier - one. *stops rambling ;)*
And the way Stryker holds power over Victor in a very subtle way - splendid. I can´t help loving the slightest trace of submission in this strong unsubdued character. Great job, thank you! :D
And please, ramble away! ;)
Thank you so much for taking the time to read it, and to write such a wonderful review! <3
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