i GoT BoReD!!..L0l..

Nov 30, 2005 00:41

aLl AbOuT mE!!...
What is your name? MegaN or *MeG*
Spell your name backwards: NaGeM
Male or female? BaBi GiRl
Nicknames:MeMe..MeG...TaTeR T0T..MeGaBoO
Occupation? StUdEnT
Height: 5'5..??
Hair color: DiRtY BlOnDe
Eye color: BlUe -IsH- GrEeN
Where were you born? St.ViNcEnTs
Where do you reside now? H-tOwN AlAbAmA
What is your xanga name?DoNt HavE OnE
What does your xanga name stand for?NoThInG
Pets: NoNe
Piercings? NiNe
Tattoos? NoNe
Shoe size: 8*Or*9
Righty or lefty? rIgHtY
Wearing: BrAvEs ShIrT&&PaNtS
Hearing: PhOtOgRaPh..NiCkLeBaCk
Eating/drinking: NoThInG/TeA

~Love And Other Stuff~
Does someone in your family wear a toupee? NoT My ImMeDiAtE FaMiLy
Do you have any nieces or nephews? YuP..HuNtEr WaDe
Are your parents divorced? nO
Do you have step parents? nO
Has your family ever disowned another member of your family? Nuh uH
If so for what? ^
Did some of your family come to America from another country? NuH Uh

~Music Stuff~
What song do you swear was written about you or your life? YoU&Me&&ReDnEcK WoMaN..HahA
What's the most embarrasing cd you own? I LiKe AlL My CdZ
What's the best cd you own? bRaD PaIsLeY&&kEnNy ChEsNeY
What song do you absolutely hate?AnYtHiNg By AvRiL LaViGnE
Do you sing in the shower? YuP!

Color: bLuE&&PiNk
Food: fRiEs&&SpAgHeTtI
Song: WhO YoUd Be ToDaY&&PhOtOgRaPh
Show: LaGuNa BeAcH&&OnE TrEe HiLl
school subject: HiStOrY i GuEsS
Band/singer:KeNnY ChEsNeY..LiFeHoUsE..&& lOtS mOrE
Animal:fIsH..fRoGs..&& hOrSeS
Outfit: jEaNs&& a ShIrT
Radio station: 97.3..103.7...95.7..102.5..104.7..
Movie: DuKeS Of HaZzArD&&SwEeT hOmE AlAbAmA&&SaW 2
Pair of shoes: BiRkS
Cartoon: KiNg oF ThE HilL..fAmIlY GuY
Actor: JoHnNy DePp
Actress:ReEsE WiThErSpOoN
Potato chip: ChEdDaR&SoUrCrEaM
Drink: tEa
Holiday:ChRiStMaS..My B'dAy
Perfume/cologne: fAnTaSy..AsHaNtI
Pizza topping: cHeEsE
Jello flavor:StRaWbErRy..?
Lunch meat: Ham..???
Board game: DiSnEy ScEnE iT
Video game: 4-WhEeLeR gAmEs
Website: LiVeJoUrNaL&&MySpAcE
Computer game: sPiDeR SoLiTaRe
Number: 21&&17
Cereal: tRiX
Dessert: CaRrOt CaKe
Disney character: TiNkEr bElL
Clothing store:RuE21..AeRoPoStAlE
Passtime: BeInG LiTtLe
Teacher: Ms.ShElToN&&MrS.LiGhTsEy&&MrS.AlExAnDeR
Childhood toy: lOtS!
Carnival game/ride: dArT gAmE/sCrAmBlEr
Candy bar:sNiCkErS
Salad dressing:cEaSaR
Thing to do on the weekend: gIrLs NiTe WiTh *Mea*&*B*..gOiNg oFf..aNyThInG FuN!
Hot drink: cOfFeE
Season: sUmMeR
Sport to watch: NaSCaR&&bAsEbAlL
Person to talk to online: wHoEvErS oN

~Your Bedroom/Sleeping Habits~
What color are your sheets? tInKeRbEll&&cHeRrIeS
What color are your bedroom walls? pInk..GrEeN..pUrPlE..yElLoW
Do you have posters on your wall?YeA
If so of what? dAlE Jr.SeTh CoHeN..TiNkEr bElL..dUkEs oF HaZzArD
Do you have a tv in your bedroom? yEa
How many pillows are on your bed?4oR5
What do you normally sleep in?sHiRt&&sHoRtS
Describe your favorite pair of pajamas:sHiRt&&hEarT pAnTs
What size bed do you have? fUlL sIzE
Do you have a waterbed/bunkbed/daybed? rEgUlAr
Do you have your own phone line in your bedroom? nO..bUt i HavE a PhOnE
Do you listen to music while trying to fall asleep? sUmTiMez
Describe the last nightmare you had:sOmEoNe WaS ChAsInG mE
Do you sleep with stuffed animals? nO
How many people can comfortably sleep in your bed? 2oR3
Do you sleep in any unusual positions? nOt rEaLli
Do you have to share your bedroom with a sibling? nUh Uh
Do you have an alarm clock in your room? nO
What color is the carpet in your room? bEiGe
What's under your bed? nOtHiNg

~This or that~
beach/mountains: bOtH
Donuts/bagels: DoNuTs
Day/night: nIgHt
Wicked witch of the east/wicked witch of the west: ..duno?
Heaven/hell: HeAvEn
Make love/have sex:mAkE l0vE
Coffee/tea: cOfFeE
Britney/Christina: BrItNeY
Swiss cheese/american cheese: aMeRiCaN
Real World/Road Rules: ReAl WoRlD
Backstreet Boys/*Nsync: nEiThEr
Silver/gold: SiLvEr
Nike/Adidas: nIkE
McDonalds/Taco Bell: bOTh
Punk/emo: pUnK..?
Hot/cold: cOlD
Winter/summer: sUmMeR
Spring/fall: fAlL
Operas/plays: pLaYs
Read/watch tv: tV
Cd's/tapes: cDz
Dvd's/vhs: dVdZ
Old/new: nEw
Pink/red: pInK
Colored pictures/black and white photos: bOtH
Mexican food/chinese food: bOtH
Commercials/infomercials: sOmE CoMmErCiAlS
Scary movies/comedies:bOtH
Bikinis/one piece bathing suits: bIkInIs
Sandals/tennis shoes:fLiP-FlOpS
Sugar/spice: sUgAr
Black/white: WhItE
ribbons/bows:dOnT CaRe
Chicken/beef: cHiCkEn
Colored christmas lights/regular white christmas lights:EiThEr
Cars/trucks:i LiKe gUyS wIt BiG tRuCkS..l0l
Austin Powers/James Bond: aUstIn pOwErS
Popcorn/pretzels: pOpCoRn
Hip/hop: hOp
WWE wrestling/real wrestling: WwE
Back rub/foot massage: bAcK rUb
Picture frames/photo albums:bOtH
Pens/pencils: eItHeR

~What Is Your Opinion Of The Following~
Eminem: hOtT
Virgins: gOoD..i dOnT rEALli CaRe..lol
God:mY SaViOr
The Osbournes:fUnNy&&mEsSeD Up fAmIlY
Reality TV: gOoD
J.Lo: oK..
Emo music: DoNt LiKe It
Valentine's Day: gOoD
Christina Aguilera's comeback:dOnT cArE..
Homosexuals: tHaT's ThEiR cHoIcE
Abortion: nOt RiGhT
Inter-racial relationships: nOt fOr mE
Death: iT hApPeNs
Obesity: dUnO..
Pre-marital sex: oK iTs yOuR cHoIcE
Terrorism: aWfUl
Pornography: hAhA
Fortune tellers: fAkE
Threesomes: iF tHaTs WhAt u LiKE
Prostitution: sTuPiD
Politics: dOnT CaRe
Country music: My FaVoRiTe!!
George W. Bush: gOoD mAn
Cloning: dUnO..?
Britney's boobs: dOnT cArE
Gas prices in America: tOo HiGh

~Name Game~
What Do You Think Of When You Hear These Common Names?.
Ben: sTiLlEr
Maria: MeXiCaNs
Amy: A gIrL i CaN nOt StAnD!
Richard: gOt PuNkD OuT..haha *MEA*
Justin:aShlEy..B's Ex..lol
Arnold: sWoRtZiNaGeR..sp?
Melissa:oNe Of My fRIeNdS
Harold: a GuY i KnOw
John: SmItH
Michelle:tHoMpSon..OnE oF My oLd fRiEnDs
Kevin: kEnDrA's Ex..lol
Brent:bRyAnS NePhEw
Jake: tHE SnaKe..haha
Nick: cAnNoN
Linda:mY CoUsIn
Taylor: OfF LaGuNa BeAcH
Jordan: a GuY i KnOw
Jamie: mY yOuTh LeAdEr

~Have You Ever~
Mooned anyone? yEa
Been on a diet? YuP
Been to a foreign country? nO
Broken a bone?YeA
Swallowed a tooth/cap/filling? YuP
Swear at a teacher?yEa
Talked to someone only through AIM or some other way online? yEs
Got in a fight? YeA
Dated a teacher? nO
Laughed so hard you peed your pants? yEa..lol
Thought about killing your enemy? nOt 4 rEaL
Gone skinny dipping? nO
Told a little white lie? yEa
Told a secret you swore not to tell? yEa
Stolen anything? YuP
Misused a swear word and it sounded absolutely stupid? yEa
Been on TV? nO
Been on the radio? nO
Been in a mosh pit? yEa
Been to a concert? yEA
Dated one of your best friends? yEa hE WaS a GoOd fRiEnD
Loved someone so much it makes you cry? yEsS
Decieved somebody close to you? nO
Broken the law?yUp
Been to a rodeo? yEa
Been on a talk show? nUh uH
Been on a game show? nUh Uh
Been on an airplane? YuP
Got to ride on a firetruck? yEa
Came close to dying? yEa
Cheated on a bf/gf? nO
Gave someone a piggy back ride? yEa
Terrorized a babysitter? nO
Made a mud pie? YeA
Had a dream that our falling off a cliff? yEa
Been so drunk you don't remember your name? nO
Had an eating disorder? nUh uH
Felt like you didn't belong? yUp
Felt like the 3rd wheel? YeA
Been arrested? nOpE
Had your tonsils removed? YuP
Gone to camp? yEa
Won a bet? YuP
Written a love letter? yEa
Gone out of your way to be with the one you love?YeA
Written a love poem? YeS
Participated in cyber sex? nO
Faked an orgasm? nO
Stolen a kiss? yEa
Asked a friend for relationship advice? YuP
Had a friend steal your bf/gf? nO
Watched the sunset/rise with someone you love? nOpE
Gotten a speeding ticket? nUh uH
Done jail time? nOpE
Had to wear a uniform to work?dOnT WoRk
Won a trophy? YeA
Thrown up in public?YeS
Bowled a perfect game?nO
Failed/got held back? nO
Roasted pumpkin seeds? NoPe
Taken ballet lessons? nO
Attempted suicide? nOpE
Cut yourself? nO

~Childhood Stuff~
Did you play with Barbies?aLl tHe tImE
Did you own Treasure Trolls? yEa
Did you watch Beverly Hills 90210?sTiLl Do..lol
Did you play Simon? sImOn SaYs?..YeA
Did you watch Fraggle Rock? nO
Did you wet the bed? yEa..WhEn I wAs LiTtLe
Did you believe there were monsters in your closet or under your bed? nO
Did you wear the underwear with the days of the week on them? yEs..lol
Were you shy? sOmEtImEs
Were you spoiled? YuP..sTiLl aM!
Were you abused? nOpE
Did you go to the circus? yEa
Did you go to the zoo? oF cOuRsE
Were you in a car accident? nO
Did you build snowmen? dUh..YeS
Did you cry when you scraped your knee? YeA
Were your older cousins mean to you? nOt ReAlLi
Did you think slinkies were cool? YeA
Did you think the Ninja Turtles really lived in the sewer? nO..bUt i LoVeD tHaT sHoW..lol
Were you afraid of the dark? yEa
Did you have slumber parties? yUp
Did you have New Kids On The Block sheets, curtains, sleeping bags, dolls and pajamas? nO
Did you tease your hair out like Tiffany? No
Did you believe in the Easter Bunny/Santa Claus/ and the Tooth Fairy? Yes

Do you believe in aliens? nO
Name three things that are next to your computer: cUp..pEn..cD
Do you have any hidden talents?nO
Do you wish MTV would play music videos? tHeY dO
If you were to star in a movie, what kind of movie would it be? sCaRy
What would your movie star name be? dOnT kNo
Do you play any sports?nO
What's the scariest movie you've ever seen? rInG&&RiNg2
What is the best movie you've seen in the theater or rented recently? SaW2
What is the dumbest movie you've seen recently? mAn oF tHe hOuSe
Do you drive? YuP!
What is your dream car? WhItE 4RuNnEr&&SilVeR CeLicA
Would you ever sky dive? MaYbE
Do you believe in Bigfoot? nOT ReALli
How many bedrooms do you have in your house? 3
Are you afraid of roller coasters? nO..Luv Em
Do you believe in God? YeS
Do you believe in Satan? yEa
Do you believe there is a heaven?YeS
Do you believe there is a hell? yEa
Do you own a pooltable? YuP
Do you have a pool? YuP
Do you have a dishwasher in your kitchen? yEa
Do you like chocolate? yEa
Who/what is on your 2005 calendar? ChIpNDalEs gUYs
How many U.S. states have you been to? 5oR6
Ever wished on a shooting star? YeA
Best Halloween costume you ever wore? StRaWbErRy ShOrTcAkE
Do you carry any weapons on you? nO
What is your weakness?DuNo..
Name something you can't get enough of: hOtT gUyS..haha
Describe yourself in 3 adjectives: cRaZzI..fUnNy..gOoFy
How many kids do you want to have? dUnO yEt
Future daughters names: dOnT Kno
Future sons names: dOnT kNo
What is your ideal way to die?..??
How do you release stress? yElL..tHrOw tHiNgS..lol
Are you a trendy person? i ThInK sO
Are you an artisitic person?sUmTiMeS
Are you a realistic person? yEa
Do you un-tie your shoes every time you take them off? nUh uH
Are you a strong person? nO
Are you a strong willed person? yEa
Who is the last person to e-mail you? mEa
Who is the last person to IM you?cAt
Do you hate chain e-mails? DePeNdS oN wUt tHeY R
Are you a deep sleeper?nO
Are you a good story teller? yEa
What do you believe is your best quality? dUnO..?
What is your greatest accomplishment? pAsSiNg ScHoOl..
Do you like to burn candles or incense? YuP
Do you do yoga? nO
Do you have your own credit card? nO
Let's say you win the lotto...: iLl B RiCh..lol
Do you have a check book? nO
Do you tan easily? kInD oF
How many fillings do you have? LiKe..4
How many cavities did you have at your last dentist visit? OnE
Worst feeling in the world? wHeN u LiKe SoMe-1 & tHeY dOnT LiKe U bAcK
Best feeling in the world?WhEm SuM-1 LiKeS U..ThAt U LiKe
Is the glass half empty or half full? hAlF eMpTy
Last thing you downloaded? PiCz
Do you catch yourself using online terms in your real life? sOmEtImEz
What do you think people think of you? WhAtEvEr ThEy WanT ..i DoNt CaRe
Are you a likeable person? YeA
Do you need therapy? nOpE
Do you take medication for a chemical imbalance? nOpE
What the best way to be proposed to? dUnO
When are you moving? NoTiMe SoOn..
What's your favorite phrase/word? oMg..BuT yEa..
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