I said I would put the better BEATLES ROCK BAND trailer up. The animated one.
XBox 360 |
Playstation 3 |
Nintendo Wii And a bunch of you posted about Microsoft's Natal. I said my piece on my last post (namely "Look what is being promised and who is promising it.") but I thought I would show you what has been so far the talk of the Press conferences.
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So I don't know the "who" form the people making promises, which means that I don't know what to be skeptical of there. I do see how this could end up just being another eye toy. I also see how it could possibly be some very powerful stuff. It looks like another wait and see situations.
Of course I disagree with the guy when he talks about having a connection with the characters or the game. I've gotten connected to numerous characters that have been in games. He was pointing out "Claire" need to catch invisible goggles as a connection. Allright, sorta, I think of that more as an immersion, but can you be immersed in something with out being connected? I'm not sure. But I still say that I've been very connected to the characters when they're interested or endearing enough. I figure if by the end of the game I don't want the characters to die, or the game to be over then well that was a good game.
The primary reason is him. He has a rep as being the guy who gets people VERY excited and then really never delvers the goods.
As far as the stuff he said, that is just the way he talks. He says things like "I don't believe we anyone has achieved the level of this ______________" or "...achieving something with games that many thought was not possible."
In truth, I like him because he reminds me of me. He gets overexcited about a concept and looses track of what he has actually achieved (at least I think that reminds me of me. I have never achieved anything before so I'm not entirely sure) At least that is what I think he does.
His big selling thing is that he wants to make us care about our videogames. In Fable 2 he was hell bent on making us (the player) love this damned dog. And he DID! only, he neglected the mention the numerous overlooked problems that made Fable 2 an only mediocre game. that is his way.
So I think this is mostly smoke an mirrors. He is probably rationalizing it as "this is what Natal COULD do, and what we want to do with it. So...its ok to doctor the video to get my point across." and in the end he is just selling us another invisible suit.
but I would really like it to work. I imagine a game where you are Sherlock Holmes and the "milo" is a digital Watson.
The game would just be you standing there, talking about how you solved the puzzle, and then the "milowatson" would just give you complements. It would be FANTASTIC.
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