So apparently NO ONE is going to see watchmen, well either that or no one wants to go as a group.
I only got 2 people to respond to my last post (and one wasn't sure if they could go).
I really want this to be one of those classic movie openings, where we all wait in line, popping caps in excrement... know what I mean.
So Please, let me know what you are doing if you have plans. If you don't, COME JOIN US :D !!!
So far my plan is for everyone to meet at our new
apartment, and then make are way to the Block or to The Promenade, whatever people feel.
It opens on March 6th
SO, MARCH 5TH will be the midnight showing.
Let me know if you think meeting in Orange is a good idea, or if you have a good idea of your own (I really don't care what we do as long as it is in a group.)
Oh...And I saw DOLLHOUSE last all should be watching. I don't want this to be another canceled great show.