To me that voiceover that mentions "watchmen" almost sounds like an AVD that is just meant for the trailer. A trailer has to hook people who aren't already fans of the comic and know all about it, and the fact that the film is called WATCHMEN means that average joe-schmo is going to want a reason why it's called that, and the trailer provides that. Since there was no "IN A WORLD!" type VO, they just used the character voices to mention the group name. It also was pretty faithful with the base idea of 'who watches the watchmen' with the text in between shots. Of course it could turn out that they end up calling the group Watchmen all the time in the movie, which would kind of be disappointing but I could still see why they would do it.
I don't mind that they took out the squid rumoredly, but only because I didn't even like it very much in the comic. The comic is so gritty and realistic that a giant space squid beamed into the city really made me go WHAT B-MOVIE IS THIS when I was reading it. Of course I haven't been a fan of the comic as long as you or most people who would probably be upset by the change, but I think, again, that this kind of change is appealing to people who aren't familiar with the comic and would go through the whole movie expecting this dark, realistic atmosphere and then suddenly getting a giant sci-fi squid for no apt reason, other than it was in the comic.
You can totally disagree with all of this, but that's just what I'm seeing about the changes being made.
Well I can see where you are coming from with the VO thing, if that is true then that makes sense and is probably a good thing.
The squid thing has two things that make it so meaning full to me:
1) it was created by comic/entertainment people
sense Watchmen is about picking apart comics and their tropes, I think it is a cool little nod that the squid was created by comic book people (and other entertainment people, which would have more meaning nowadays as comics have gone mainstream and Hollywood has gotten into the mix)
It is almost as if he is saying "Look this area of our culture saves the world" althought it is reading a bit deep into it which is why my number 2 is more important.
#2 It Has to look like an attack from outer space. That is what pull humanity together. That was ozymadious' plan from the start. He knew we would only unit if we found a more powerfull evil (I will call this the "Star Trek Theory")
As long as this new ending embodies that, they can do almost anything with it. The "squid" itself isn't that important.
I guess I figured there are better way to make an alien attack still obviously look like an alien attack without a giant squid. I guess I just found the actual thing itself kind of silly, not the idea behind it obviously, but I guess it was just the main thing that stuck out to be as being...over the top? I don't know. maybe I'd have to read it again. But yeah, as long as whatever ending it is still keeps the original meaning, that's the important thing.
I don't mind that they took out the squid rumoredly, but only because I didn't even like it very much in the comic. The comic is so gritty and realistic that a giant space squid beamed into the city really made me go WHAT B-MOVIE IS THIS when I was reading it. Of course I haven't been a fan of the comic as long as you or most people who would probably be upset by the change, but I think, again, that this kind of change is appealing to people who aren't familiar with the comic and would go through the whole movie expecting this dark, realistic atmosphere and then suddenly getting a giant sci-fi squid for no apt reason, other than it was in the comic.
You can totally disagree with all of this, but that's just what I'm seeing about the changes being made.
The squid thing has two things that make it so meaning full to me:
1) it was created by comic/entertainment people
sense Watchmen is about picking apart comics and their tropes, I think it is a cool little nod that the squid was created by comic book people (and other entertainment people, which would have more meaning nowadays as comics have gone mainstream and Hollywood has gotten into the mix)
It is almost as if he is saying "Look this area of our culture saves the world" althought it is reading a bit deep into it which is why my number 2 is more important.
#2 It Has to look like an attack from outer space. That is what pull humanity together. That was ozymadious' plan from the start. He knew we would only unit if we found a more powerfull evil (I will call this the "Star Trek Theory")
As long as this new ending embodies that, they can do almost anything with it. The "squid" itself isn't that important.
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