Why I Need To Date Someone

Oct 10, 2009 19:46

Julie Heck Congratulations to President Obama for winning the Nobel Peace Prize and joining the ranks of fine men such as Yasser Arafat

Follow up...  I defriended Julie, who hasn't spoken to me in 6 years...  I talk to people in Egypt more than I talk to her...  so her bf messaged me this:

Max Schulze October 13 at 2:02am Report

lol....sorry, we didn't mean to make you cower and de-friend julie...haha

Nothing personal, but you were just making a horrible argument... no hard feelings

Nicholas Lemen October 13 at 8:28am

Cower? Julie hasn't spoken to me in years! I don't want to have any association with someone who has such one-sided views.

Nicholas Lemen October 13 at 8:29am

And please leave me alone.

Max Schulze October 13 at 12:58pm Report

she posted one status update.... it was I and her other friends that torched ya for your ignorance and muslim sympathies... you do realize that, right? don't be such a melodramatic faggot... peace

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