May 23, 2007 10:25
Find yourself a REALLY good lawyer... Duh. One who hates the opposite sex.. for instance mine hates dumbass men.. yay for me!
Invest in text messaging. You DON'T want to talk to you ex on the phone, and if you do you have to record it, so use your texting and email. You know that you are going to argue and that your ex is going to be a prick, or try manipulation, or intimidation, so use this to your advantage. COPY IT OFF AND GIVE IT TO YOUR LAWYER AND/OR JUDGE.
Keep a Parenting Journal.. Log in this all the trivial shit that your ex is pulling, and all the stupid stuff they do like taking your child out of state without permission to their boyfriend or girlfriends house, all the while telling you that they are "camping". Then when they drop your child off and still don't tell you the truth, you can write down that you heard from your child how he/she had to sleep on the couch and how daddy/mommy was kissing their bf/gf the whole time. Do not lie! Only write down what your child tells you. Try to remain emotionless. THERE IS NOTHING YOU CAN DO.... YET.
Keep Good Friends.. drop the ones that are drama llamas. It's your good friends that are going to see you through this without causing any additional drama. And forget the keep your friends close and your enemies closer.. fuck 'em.
Eat Well... all the stress is going to burn off calories, so eat what you want. DON'T GET TOO SKINNY. Nobody wants to see your bones... remember "more cushion for the pushin'."
stay tuned.....