App #2

Mar 01, 2008 01:29

Character: Franziska von Karma
Series: Phoenix Wright
Character Age: 18

Canon: The year is 2018, and in the court of law, there is only one truth. Believe in yourself and your client, and that truth will prevail! This is the credo of a good defense attorney, but Franziska von Karma doesn't care about that. The only thing a defense attorney is good for is a good whipping! After all, Franziska is the German prosecuting prodigy who became a lawyer at what might have been the tender age of thirteen if "tender" were a word applicable to one of her legendary lineage. To a von Karma, perfection is a way of life, and Franziska had a flawless career for five years before flying out to America to get her revenge on her little brother, Miles Edgeworth, by beating the defense attorney he never could: Mr. Phoenix Wright.

Franziska likes to call people fools, and will do so to amazing amounts of redundancy. She also likes to whip people. A lot.

Sample Post:

When traveling to a new country (or a festering zombie swamp outside of the normal spectrum of space-time), even the most perfect of prosecutors require a measure of adjustment. Much as you wouldn't use a riding crop to carve your intial into a tree, you shouldn't use a courtroom-ordaned disciplining whip to fend off the undead! Do you think that these heels were meant to crush skulls? They are only for crushing men's spirits!

So why, you ask, am I whipping the wildlife with my prosecuting whip, in my prosecuting heels and prosecuting suit which, incidentally, costs enough to make a defense attorney weep? The answer to that is as plain as the nose that was previously on this ghoul's face: I'm not supposed to be here today! Is it normal for American pilots to mistake LAX for heavily-wooded areas in Lousiana? Perhaps it's similarly easy for a travel agent to mix up "I wish to visit my little brother" with, "I wish to travel to a putrid, corpse-filled marsh in a time whose laughably archaic legal system still features juries." Honestly, 'innocent until proven guilty'? If I hadn't already been studying law at eight years old, I would be laughing at that unfunny joke!

But mark my words: The foolishly foolish fools whose foolhardy foolishness fooled up my perfect flight plan will not go unpunished! My lash against their careers will be far more painful than my lashes against their backs could ever be! They'll have less right to habeas corpus than a decapitated zombie!

Speaking of which, while I may not have had the time to brush up on your silly 2008 laws, I can tell you right now that one cannot commit murder on a body that is not initially living. Perhaps you were thinking to charge me with corpse desecration? By the very definition of the word, you cannot desecrate something that is already unholy! I wouldn't convict me, and I'm the harshest prosecutor I know!

Incidentally, I will be looking into all of your cases. I may be stuck in a fetid pit stinking of rotting flesh and unresolved sexual tension, but that's certainly no excuse to go on vacation. As they say in this country: "When in Rome, whip the Romans!"

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