(no subject)

Nov 29, 2005 17:58


How old were you?: 12
What grade were you in?: 7th grade

Where did you go to school?: SASA

Where did you work?: timberwolf cycle
Where did you live?: Saginaw, MI

Where did you hang out?: My house/caitys house. apple mt. and wes ceilmas house! hahaha

How was your hair style?: mmm either down or up in a messy bun.

Did you wear braces?: Yup. got them off that year.

Did you wear glasses?: for reading

Who was your best friend?: caity holmes, wes ceilma, marco verdoni, alex p., caity bonk...

Who was your boyfriend/girlfriend: hmmm i want to say stephan walker...

Who was your celebrity crush?: mmm i really dont know. i never really idolized them then.

Who was your regular-person crush?: hmmm thats a hard one. tom z.? haha

How many piercings did you have?: hahha 6?

How many tattoos did you have?: none.

What was your favorite band? who knows like 3rd eye bind? i cant think.

What was your biggest fear?: mmm people leaving for high school...and getting busted for bad things we did haha.

Had you smoked a cigarette yet?: mmm sadly yes.

Had you gotten drunk or high yet?: sadly yes.

Had you driven yet?: mmm my sweet uncle jeff let me take out his truck mud baug'n once in the feilds...

How old are you?: 17

What grade are you in?: senior

Where do you go to school?: the hill

Where do you work?: timberowlf cycle & american eagle

Where do u live?: saginaw, mi

Where do you hang out?: mmm my house, justins, and various peoples places...

How is your hair style?: mmm real short and choppy, with white blone in it...

Do you wear braces?: no sir

Who is your best friend?: best? hmm

Who is your boyfriend/girlfriend?: justin jole craglow :D

Who is your celebrity crush?: mmmm i may from time to time lust for johnny d.

Who is your regular/real - person crush?: mmm justin!

How many tattoos do you have?: none.

How many piercings did you have?: mmm 8? only wear 4 though...

What is your biggest fear?: being lonely next year :(

Have you smoked a cigarette yet?: mmm often? kinda?

Have you gotten drunk or high yet? yes sir

Have you driven yet? mmm yes i guess you could say that...im on my third car, needless to say thats why im always broke :( and they love to blow up or be dumb and worthless...but i love my new baby!
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