wonderful times!

Jul 18, 2005 16:37

...life is soooo much fun right now.
i love it! i love it! i love it...!
well lets see ive met so many new people...and been able to hang out with so many of my old friends...went to traverse city with my second half caity! it was funny we slept as soon as we got there, it was 8 8:30ish lol and slept in till noonish lol...lazy asses. it was glorious tho. then we went shopping and got some great steels! and we went down town shopping then tambien...mucho divertido!
came home and went out to the movies (wedding crashers! sooo funny) (p.s. going to the new willy wonka this friday with my model alexis! lol)
also we went out to a few peoples houses...went to autumn ridge to this kids house with caity and libb...had a lot of fun, well other then that one kid that was real creepy lol, we left and went to the neumans house...hung out with curt, i miss that kid.

then the next night went and met up with watson at another autumn ridge house (different kid)
saw some real old friends...but that i love you song was way...over played but it was kinda funny...then went to my friend seths house for a bit...it was his 24th birthday....(the dancing mr miaugi haha) caity and bren you know who im talking about.
it was a little weird so i left and went to this kid ramishes house (tightest house ive ever been in!)indoor huge pool! lol how random...ben and hector came over and hung out with us all night and morning...good times!

went out to Genjis for lunch with caitylyn! muy deliciouso!...then hung out with my boys watson, bren, jeremy, mondo, catiy, adam, caity, and oooo! brett! went to burger king (that creepy picture of caity hahaha how weird) then we saw this crazy transvestite and me and mondo were sneaking pics of him and his boyfriend making out and pumping gas...haha you can see the pics of this day on brandons livejournal! (there are some goodies!) then lawn chair film fest. its always nice to see matt mason in uniform! lol then we went to catiys and had a fun ass carazy night...catigories! brandon i think had more fun then us by just watching us be silly...then we decided after all the lap dancing and kisses!(those pics are on bradons livejournal also) it was time to go hot tubing! went to brandons and (the girls had naughty time in the hot tub and the pool hahaha jk)...by the way your dog is so damn cute! went back to caitys and was out!
that was my update...and sorry for anyone who read this and didnt care about what im up to...
AdIoS aMiGoS!
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