Nick Jonas has the unique ability to make even a celebratory graduation tweet so, so boring. I feel like he sits down, puts on his “I am a serious musician” face and systematically removes most of the slang and contractions (but not all - he doesn’t want to look too stuffy) and excess exclamation points (one per sentence is enough - he regards anything more as juvenile), then looks up a couple of words in his thesaurus and replaces them with longer ones. He puts “Mr. President” at the end because he thinks it’s droll, but inevitably there’ll be some readers who aren’t going to get it and that just won’t do, so he puts his name in parentheses as an afterthought before checking his spelling, clicking “Update” and nodding his head slightly to commend himself on a job well done. Then he goes off to practice Wiffle ball and walking blindfolded in case they ever go on ”Ellen” again.