Sep 28, 2004 07:39
well. im at my moms house again. its wierd shes actually letting me on her computer. i dont know why but who cares. i dont know why i do this livejournal thing. its not like anyone reads it. its so pointless. i think im just gonna stop. i dunno. maybe i'll only do it when im bored. oh well. i hung out with jen, mike, and mike's friend that looks like bernard from the santa clause movie. lol. he really does. but yeah. it was fun i guess. well now im sitting here all by myself at home. im waiting for 9:00 so i can use my phone. you have no idea how slow it goes by whenever i say that i'm waiting. its crazy. school is so gay. well most of it anyway. idk its like algebra teacher is so gay! hes really stupid. he always yells at me for the stupidest things. like my clothes. he says that my shirts are too short and he gives me i.s.s for it. and then he almost gave me i.s.s because i said gay. how stupid is that? he said that some people would get offended by it but theres no gay people in our class anyway. i dont get it. oh well who cares. he already dont like me so its no big deal i guess. well im leaving now.
<3 melissa