May 06, 2004 00:05
whewwwwwwwww its been a lonnnng time! sorry guys~ im just really unmotivated to do this thing but im really tryin hard to get back into the swing of things :)
in other news, track meets have been a blast lately. If theres anything im going to miss about hs, it will certainly be track meets. Co Ed meets that is. Girls meets are just plain boring but when theres meets with guys, theres no way you cant have fun. Yesterday we all watched Curtis show a kid (who we dont think is all there and is a little slow but not quite retarded??? does that sound bad) the "pimp walk." of course curtis is an "african american" so he can do those types of things...he also showed him how to do the touching the nose thing? but he said dont dig in it just touch it as you approoach a girl. WEll the slow kid did this cuz he wanted this girl there and i have to admit i think it was one of the funniest things id ever seen. I guess ya just had to be there. The meet ended with the guys makin the poor kid go get the girls number and im pretty sure it was 555-5555 if that tells ya anything. That poor kid.
Graduation is almost here and i still have mixed feelings on it. For the most part i cant wait but theres a little of me that is going to miss a lot of things and people in hs. But enough on and my mom have been filling out graduation invitations since monday and im sooooo sick of it! We ran out so we had to rush to find somewhere that could copy them for us. They look alright but not as good as the real if you get one of the copied ones im sorry its the best i had. We also had to fill out the "partay" inv. too so that added to our work. We got our grad. pictures done in our cap and gowns the other day at school and it was so freakin hot that i think all our faces are prolly sweating in the pics. but ya know how that goes...Argenta still doesnt do the air conditioning starting to get nervous about the whole speach thing at sure ill do fine...i just dont like speaking in front of people. I guess i better get over that real sooooon!!!!! Its that sitting there and waiting party that makes me the most nervous. Once i get that first sentence out ill be fine, i just have to get the first sentence out first! Maybe i could just walk out the back door when its my turn.............ok ill stop with that thought...
and for the closing thought in the this blog...i need a job.
thanks for reading.