There and Back Again...

Sep 10, 2007 20:10


I walked into the sunrise as the morning air chilled my warm skin. The first signs of autumn dropped hints of their presence before my footsteps. Five fiery leaves burned crimson on a Japanese maple, while the rest of the trees looked on, blushing only green with jealousy.

I did not stop for the squirrels as they snatched acorns that had fallen overnight from nowhere, but I felt my own sense of urgency rise as they prepared for the cooling season.

Several blocks later, a bus arrived at the bus stop, and I spinned around on my heel to pick a vibrant blue flower as a man stepped onto the sidewalk. He smiled, and proudly shared the wise words, "Some things are still free." "Walking," I offered, "Flowers." "The sunrise..." we said in unison, as we paused to look East, and then we continued our separate ways.

Spinning the tiny Aster between my fingers, I cut through an alley where empty windows reflected empty windows, with no promise of anyone to come. Another few feet away sat an antiquated manhole, lined with brick as far down as I could see.

The greyed cotton clouds covered the blue of day day, but I empowered bits of the sky to burst into flames and break free of their obstacles, though I knew they, like Achilles, would have a short but glorious end.

I came round the corner to meet a smiling gentleman with sad eyes smoothing his stained t-shirt. He put on his worst face, convinced his presence had gone unnoticed. Quietly, he whispered that he was living on the street, and he needed change. The flower in my hand pulled me forward, out of his trap, and I giggled as I said that I did, too. Our minds connected for a split-second, and, moments later, I snuck into the walkway to work.

And back again...

The afternoon air proved even cooler than the morning, though, surprisingly, the thought of walking for forty minutes felt inviting. I hurried up the street to kindle the warmth to get myself home. I pressed forward, and I did not break my pace until tiny, cold droplets of water invigorated my skin like sweet kisses over my face and arms. I lost track of my breath as I sped through the mist, experiencing true bliss as my lungs grasped for air and my hands tingled.

I leaned against the inside of my door for a moment after I shut it. Quietly, I paused, as if to regain control over my senses as well as my breathing.

Thank you. I have never felt so incredible, so pure, so whole.
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