Aug 19, 2003 21:37
I'm not sure if I should be proud or ashamed, but I just got a really high Bejeweled score: 11,355
Or, at least, it was high for me.
I start work in T- 11hrs, 22 minutes. Yay :-) Of course, I'm pretty worked up, so the sleep I need to be getting for it may not happen as soon as I'd like.
To take 4 hours of class at community college as an out-of-state resident, it'll be $556 plus fees and books. ugh. That's a lot for ghetto college. Maybe I can borrow it. Does anyone have a dollar.....? lol. Just kidding in a non-funny way.
So I guess it'll probably be Spring when I get enrolled again. :-\ I really want to go back to school this fall. My manager even gave me T/R off so that I could. hrmph. If I only had $1000.... Of course, I'd probably spend it on something else if it just came into my hand. Well, actually, no. If someone put a thousand dollars in my hand right now, the first thing I'd do would be to go register for classes. English and Fencing or English and Personal Finance (if there was
"The AIM service can't be reached."
Maybe that's a sign that I should go to bed. Between that and all the beer having walked away....I was gonna have 2 tonight to calm me down, and I had one, and the other 5 walked away. I knew I should never buy that new beer with legs....ugh. *kicks self*
I didn't check to see if my other paycheck came in the mail. I think NOW would be a good time to do that.
Why am I so antsy....? Oh yeah, work. Wow, I've really rambled on about nothing tonight, good job, self.