Alright Alright...
Few things can top what I saw tonight. Dane Cook - live. He came to UCF to do a show, and he was hilarious. Doors opened at 7, but we were there at 3 in the afternoon, with food, water, chairs, a football, and a cd player so we could listen to his cd. We had to get ourselves ready. Around 4, it started to rain. We did not give up. We sat, anticipating the venue we were about to experience first hand. True, hardcore fans similar to myself were not phased. We said hello rain. Join me?
So we waited.... and waited... and played some cards. Then we waited. the line started to build, and 3 hours later, it was all the way down the steps, through the parking lot, around the corner, and all along the fence of the property. It was looooong. Believe it or not, even though we were there 5 hours early, we were still 9 people back. We weren't even first. People had gotten there at 10 am. Around 6:10... the sky was starting to look a little dark. At 6:15ish... the inevitable happened. It started to rain.
Our spot in line was being jeopardized by the scallywags trying to gain access toward the front doors for shelter. It was tolerable, until the terrential downpour began, and the people charged the doors in the hope of staying dry. We got shoved inside by a shit ton of people who were getting absolutely soaked. I haven't seen it rain that hard since Hurricane Francis came through here and dumped the Atlantic Ocean on our punk asses. We couldn't go through the gates though until 7, which was another 45 minutes. People outside just kept shoving us forward. We were packed as tight as sardines in that little space inside the doors. Stupid people outside started chanting as they got soaked, like if they yelled louder, then the people inside would just be like "okay. there ya go. go in unhappy crowd. its okay." No. Oh no Kool-Aid. They were on the verge of a riot.
Finally some little cop with a gun and shit told us it was cool, and that they were gonna let us in early so we wouldn't be getting so wet. But here's the catch. Here it is - We have to behave and not run. We could slip. Bad. But sure enough, people began pushing, and we were shoved in unison pass the line and over the ropes... it was a mad house. We ended up getting floor seats in all the dismay, and we just sat and waited.
They began the show shortly after 8, so we were in the floor seats, a few rows back, sitting and waiting for a good hour and a half. Dane came out after an opening comedian, and he rocked the house. He had all new material, with a few good punchlines that we heard before. Never in my life do I think a live show will top the one I saw. It was phenomenal.
My parting words... if you don't know who Dane Cook is, then go to
Dane's website and check him out. You will be so glad you did.
Out for now... all full of the fresh hahas I got served...