do your worst. . .

Aug 28, 2003 00:41

i started a discussion this evening on something that we all seem to have differnt beliefs about. getting high. i dnt think i will ever see societies evergrowing problem with marijuana. why is it such a problem to get high? what is so wrong with a substance grown naturally that u can smoke to release a certain substance, mainly THC, into your bloodstream? nicotene does the same thing, and thats the biggest part of all of it. the world is covered in a cloud of smoke by all the people that already smoke cigarettes, yet they have a problem with smoking marijuana for some ungodly reason.
ok take it a little out of context for a minute and think back to the 1800's, when people started cultivating tabacco for the use of drying the leaves crushing them and smoking them in order to get about the same effects that marijuana has now. just like if u notice u smoke to much weed u cant get high anymore, its about the same thing. over 200 some years of smoking tobacco has degenerated it enough that we dont get head effects, or a buzz as it were, from smoking it anymore, but that was its origonal purpose. so now we smoke these "cancer sticks" a pack a day, but find it wrong to smoke something of the same nature. well as far as it goes, i like getting high, i like smoking weed, just like i like smoking cigarettes. now most say its bad for you, and weed is worse, but if u cant do something u enjoy, why do anything? i dont wanna live my life just to live it, it takes away all the glory. yes marijuana can be addictive just like all drugs are, but by that same fact, some people get addicted to anything. i.e. just having an addictive personality. so what are addictions then? someones lame attempt at pointing out flaws? or society trying to prove it is always one better, but there are no better. who you are and what you are cannot change do to a "drug". if it did everyone who smokes ciggarettes or drinks has altered their personality in some way or another and that is just plain outright ludacris.
of course thats just my opinion, i could be wrong. . .

(to bad i never am)
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