Sep 01, 2004 15:55
Update on the girl: her roommate was at the gym last night. He's also gay and I've known him for years at the gym. I flat out asked him what he thought I should do. He said be persistent and keep working on her. I've often said I wish I was a gay guy, cause they get the date much easier, so I figured I better take his advice. I called her when I got home. She was still at work and had a customer so had to go. I called much later; she's still at work but we could talk this time. It went well AND she said she would come to next week's Storm game with me. So if she doesn't break the date, we shall see. Cross ya fingahs for me. Then turn em into spirit fingahs.
Update on the street sign thing: the city councilor I emailed about the situation got things movin and shakin, and the sign was replaced yesterday. I am really impressed, actually. I called the police and asked if they could see about ticketing all the cars and getting them outta there, since the signs were back up. The guy referred me to the police non-emergency number. When I said that that recording referred me to this number he said, "I can't help you here." Sass was unhappy with that response. So I emailed the councilor's office again, asking politely, then whom should I call? Councilor aide forwarded my email to the police chief's office. His aide wrote me back today: "Dear Ms. F, I have listened to the menu on the non-emergency line and I agree with you that there is a information deficiency which I will correct today. Menu option# 8 will now additionally direct callers to press that number if they have a situation which requires dispatch of a police officer or a parking enforcement officer under non-emergency conditions. It is also perfectly acceptable to call 911 for these 'dispatchable' types of calls, even though they are usually non-emergent.
Ted Jacoby
Not only did I get what I wanted by asking nicely, I pointed out a retarded voicemail option that, now that it will be changed, will probably save others some aggravation. I have done my public service for today.
Update on Jezzie: Poor Jez broke her ankle Monday night. Oy. I talked to her in her hospital bed yesterday morning and she was happily on drugs and feeling no pain. Had surgery yesterday afternoon. Pwe emailed me last night to say it went fine. I called Pwe today but she hasn't called me back yet, so prolly Jez isn't up for a visit yet. Poor woman. Hopefully I can go by tomorrow and cheer her up with the rubber chicken. Further updates will be provided.
Thing 1: Was with a client this morning - a Jewish woman who I've worked with for almost four years. We were talking about anti-Semitism and she said that when she goes to synagogue, such as for the High Holidays this month, it's always in the back of her mind that the place could be bombed. She thinks, "I hope this isn't the one." I was horrified but then realized I could relate. I told her, I guess that's the same as when you're me and you can't hold your girlfriend's hand without wondering in the back of your mind if you're gonna be clubbed or not. It was her turn to be horrified. So I guess mutual education, even though sad, took place. This is why it's so important to tell our stories.
Thing 2: speaking of that, I've decided to tell the story of last year when I worked at GHS, and the nightmare that ensued. My first writing project. I'm excited. I need to get started on that. On something. Or my artistic soul will explode.
Thing 3: Today is Lily Tomlin's birthday. I trained her while she was in town four years ago doing her show, "Signs of Intelligent Life in the Universe." Wonderful woman and a sweetheart. At the time, I was going through a phase of wearing wack ass nail polish. She was really intrigued by that. So last night before I went to bed I wrote her a happy birthday email. Got up this morning to get my response: "Hey, S___, how nice of you to write. I'm wearing royal blue polish on my toenails. Love, Lily."
Thing 4: I miss Keasha. I hope this gets easier with time.
Thing 5: I decided a bit ago to up the happy drugs. To those of you who've been dealing with the "down" me, I hope I will be back on top soon.
Thing 6: Storm are back tonight, playing Sacramento.
More from 'Walking in This World':
"A biographer sifts the truth from a quarry full of facts. A poet or novelist intuits a quarry full of truth from a single fact."
"Here's what I like about God: trees are crooked, mountains are lumpy, a lot of his creatures are funny-looking, and he made it all anyway. He didn't let the aardvark convince him he had no business designing creatures. He didn't make a puffer fish and get discouraged. No, the maker made things - and still does."
"Creative heights are best reached when we are not overburdened by an overly-intellectual freight of facts."