Diamonds aren't always a girl's best friend

Feb 07, 2006 19:28

So yeah. Another Tuesday done-ish.

Another Church day. For those of you who don't know, my daughter is being baptized, confirmed, and taking her first communion this April. All on the same day. Yes, kids, that's Catholic. Yes, to confirm, I'm still Wiccan. Will my daughter put the torch at my feet? Stay tuned! Seriously though... We moved her from the public school to the Catholic school a few years ago because the public school in our area sucked. Like.. little grade 5 girls with midriff tops, hipster jeans, more makeup than sense? WTF is up with the parents, nevermind the kids? And my daughter, like me, is a bit of a square peg. We don't fit into the round holes the public school tries to put us in. Maybe the teachers are overworked and underpaid? Maybe they just don't care anymore? I don't know. I do know that she was not getting enough quality time instruction, but was too smart to qualify for special education. As in, she was bored with the classes because the teachers couldn't keep up with *her* as well as the rest of the kids. So from large class sizes (30 even in Kindergarten), down to a class of around 20 in Catholic school. With a value system. The prevalent cursing on the playground at public school? Not so much at the Catholic school. A bunch more polite and generally better adjusted kids, as opposed to the (majority female) bully system of public school. What would you choose? Now, she's been there for three years, and has loved from Kindergarten to learn about Jesus. So why not? And when the notice for first communion (with all that entailed) came home, we sat her down and asked her. This is, amazingly, what she wants. She loves going to church (kneel sit stand kneel sit). The church considers 6 to be the age of reason. If she didn't want to do it, *they* wouldn't let her. So from now until the beginning of May, I get the lovely joy of spending an hour a week sitting at the edge of her class listening and watching them learn about Catholicism. Today's major hilight was the "call and answer" recipies. When the priest says this, you say that. Did you know Amen means "I believe"...? The teacher even used me in an example today.. the things we do for love. =P I was sitting there in my hat and coat and scarf, still fairly bundled, and she asked if I would get hot.. I told her I wasn't feeling good/running a fever and to take it off would make me feel cold. So later in class they were talking about Jesus healing.. Peter's mother in law from a fever? And how today we can help people who are sick so that they heal. =P As much as it does my ego good to be an object lesson...? Thanks eh?

It's my brother James' birthday today. He's 26. Smart boy in his old age.. he worked the day of his birthday, is going out tonight, and took *tomorrow* off. I expect him to roll around home .. oh.. about an hour after the bars close. With one or two girls to help him upstairs. And piss off anyone below him in the house. *snicker* It's a good thing I live down the street. I love my brother, single tramp that he is. =)

Oh. Today's piss off: Eating Grilled Chicken Soft Taco (supreme baby!) from the Bell... and of course a whole bunch gloops out of my last one, when I had like 3 bites left. All down my hand. Wouldn't you bloody know a piece gets caught in my ring? I try and wipe it off, no go. I go run it under water.. no go. I'm, at this point in time, just grossed out enough somehow that I've got a piece of food stuck in my ring that I haul it (and the family) down to Ben Moss (my favorite local jewellery shop) and ask if they can get it out. After soaking it and brushing it for a good five minutes, they get it out. Gal notices I'm missing a diamond. Yeah okay.. this ring. A gift from my stepmother, it was her engagement ring from her marriage years ago. It's some nice piece of shiny, lemme tell you. Being that Diamond is my birthstone, she figured that she wasn't wearing it and I could have it. I couldn't tell you sizes (carats) because I'm a moron, but it's one round diamond surrounded by 8 smaller diamonds like a flower. Yes, set in 14k gold. I just spent like 1/2 hour searching diamond sites online, and cannot find a picture remotely looking like my ring. But, consider it's supporting 9 diamonds above the thin band, it's some cage lemme tell ya. I've worn the thing for at least 4 years now, and be damned if I ever had anything caught in it before. We had to have it sized down (my fingers are *very* small), and one of the claws likely loosened around a diamond, and out it came.. ages ago. So.. anyways. It's off to be estimated for repair, finally. The gal was oh so very unhelpful. I mean, if you're gonna put a gal in a store with jewelery, she should at least know something. =P The ring when last valued (fully intact) was about 1200 bucks (yes, Canadian, you american brats). And that was years ago. Intact it's likely worth more now. As I said, some piece of shiny. =) I feel quite naked without it. And since it has to be sent out for estimate, it won't be back on my hand until sometime next week. The bloody hell. It's a good thing I have another ring on that finger or I really would feel naked. =P Hell, my fingers bear the indentations where the rings would go if they were sitting properly. Some days, my rings are my worst enemy. =P

All in all, a blah day.

munchkin, food, rant, family

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