Sep 07, 2006 07:14
So yeah, they fucked up my timetable. The day they fucked up the most happened to be yesterday, and they changed the timetables yesterday morning. You know, not that any of us arrange childcare or have to be places or anything like that.. not like we need some warning, or anything like that. I DO check my timetable, because we were warned of changes. But not that morning specifically, thinking it would be the same as when I checked it before bed the night before. Won't fucking make that mistake again, eh?
It works out more or less for the best. I guess. I get to drop Anna off at school (or thereabouts) three days a week instead of two, saving me about $5-$10 in childcare *a week*. Just not this week. Fortunately for today, where no one can pick her up from school, we found some childcare to cover, and it's practically on top of the school, so very safe for Anna. A hike for us to drop off/pick up in mornings/evenings, but great for location for Anna to School. =P
I require a cell phone though. I can't handle being out of touch during the day.. it's just a horrific feeling. I mean, you think about it obliquely, and cell phones are supposed to be a convenience, blah blah blah. This is turning into a necessary pre-requisite for daily operations though. If something were to happen to Arianna at school, no one can contact me. If something happens with my grandmother... no one can contact me. And then yesterday.. I mean there's payphones where people can call out (which I used!) but no one could call me back to let me know that the emergency arrangements for yesterday were ok. I can NOT deal with that. It's like school is this hollow void where only school can exist... and it's making me mentally (and physically) ill. And I have railed against needing a cell phone.. no one should be able to contact me wherever I am whenever they want.. there are times I just don't want to be contacted.. but THIS? I should be able to survive without a cell phone... but I guess I'm not content with just existing.. I need to be mentally SOUND too.
The classes themselves, by the way, are fucking awesome. Teachers are good/great. Classmates are.. mostly 10 years younger than me. =P But I'll get past that. The other girl in my class has already declared ownership of one of the guys (without saying a word) and him of her (again, wordlessly). Cute in that horribly pathetic way. I mean, it was only the second day, and they're practically sitting on top of each other in the lounge, feeling each other up in the casual way to see how far they can go. *rollseyes* Oh well.