In Memoriam - At this late/early hour we remember Kevin Bradley Hanes, who was as close to a godfather as I ever had, who died 6 years ago, at the age of 39, of massive heart failure. Upon autopsy, it was discovered his heart was in the state of a man twice his age. The kindness of the ambulance staff et al to pronounce him at the hospital was greatly appreciated, though those of us present know he left us very late on July 28th. Now, and always, he is remembered for his love of spicy food (and the heartburn that went with it), sports, and generally being a pain in the behind to myself and my brother. We miss you, you pain in the ass. =)
Tarot Reading
Now, for those of you who actually know tarot, and even for those that don't, does this look like the reading of someone who's going to die in two weeks?
Deck: Lord of the Rings
Layout: Celtic Cross
Significator: King of Swords
Covering: The Sun (Health, Vitality, Happiness)
Crossing: Queen of Coins (Woman with basis in Money)
Behind: 4 of Cups (Boredom)
Before: 2 of Wands (Partnership)
Above: Ace of Swords (Unstoppable Force)
Below: Page of Cups (Messenger of Love)
Self: Heirophant (Recluse, retreating from the world)
Other's View: Eight of Cups (Seeking)
Hopes/Fears: Nine of Cups (Pleasure)
Overall Outcome: 6 of Wands (Victory)
Not bad for being the guy who this winter was hospitalized with complete liver failure, and shocked a goodly portion of the hospital staff by walking out of the hospital a month or so later, with an improving condition on the horizon.
The basics of the reading: He is surrounded by his improving condition, but a woman concerned with money is keeping him down. His condition has left him a recluse from the world, unable to get out much due to his yet recovering strength, and it's kept him pretty bored, being stuck in the house. He's drawing strength from the love around him, and reaching for a new beginning that will cut away the dead wood. Before him is a solid partnership that will help him with his goals. Others are starting to see him as seeking to leave the past behind, following his heart's current desire (some of them are throwing fits and doing stupid things, like the queen of coins in his reading). He hopes for an excellent social life, good friends, fun, good health, happiness, fulfilling relationships and new ideas. Overall, Victory is at hand, a major ambition will be fulfilled. Success is foretold, but he may have to work for it. The success may be greater than expected, so 'carpe diem', get that ass out there, audacity is bound to pay off.
If that's dying in two weeks, I'd like me some of that. =P