[oneshot] the meaning of purple

Oct 12, 2007 00:14

the meaning of purple
it's hard to believe sometimes -- ueda dreams of frightening reality. of stars dying and being reborn. but mostly he dreams of ryo.
johnny's entertainment.
ryo/ueda. 862 words.

a/n- idk. written because i had this dream before, just not about ryo. for faito_oh because her birthday was two months ago and for being an awesome person. i was very late with this, i know. better late then never? i think?

my beta is on holidays and has no internet so feel free to criticise. comments are like fairydust since this is my first je fic. (:

the meaning of purple.


To me, dreams are indescribable because I have the same dream almost every night. Of galaxies spreading across your face in pale pale lines and stars exploding in your eyes. You represented magic to me, in every kind of shape and form. Sometimes while I sleep (and in my dreams) I watch you and the stars and silently make wishes on the supernovas because you never had shooting stars in your eyes --

-- and sometimes I dream of you dying. The blood seeping through and staining your skin and spreading, spreading through your clothes and your everything. Strange, in my dreams your blood was always red. I never thought that it would be, because I thought you would never die. To me you seemed indestructible.

I guess that was never the case.


I see you in perfect clarity on good days, with the sunlight staining your eyelashes painting them golden. Everything about you is beautiful today. Your hair is on fire, highlighted by the red and orange hues in the sky behind you. You (almost) have shooting stars in your eyes and a brilliant light to your grin. You and your smile shining under the form of light makes you seem ethereal, even.

You feel foreign to me when the sun hits you like this.


My dreams are always too stark, colours contrasting too much. (Too much red in your hair, too much yellow in mine). The stars in your eyes are yellow sometimes and they keep glinting and glinting and glinting. When I open my eyes in the morning they hurt because of the exploding stars. When your presence overwhelms me, my heart hurts as well.

-- To see someone dying in your dream signifies that your feelings for that person are dead or that a significant change or loss is occurring in your relationship with that person.

I hear you screaming when you die, sometimes.


.and oh I started when I heard you crying in the night
(because I thought you were unbreakable). 
.darling I found you beautiful when you screamed
and tried to fight away the fear (and only for you)

// so i dressed you up in silver and wrote a song for you ]]

.you felt like someone I had met before
with the laughter in your eyes
(and beauty on your lips).
.i had felt you breaking the first time I saw you
but I didn’t stop you (because I wanted to see
the death of something beautiful).

// i tried to live for you once before you fell
into every pore and ripped me apart again ]]

.so you told me one day
(i want to be set free)
but you never got that wish &
you are in pieces
staring at yourself in the mirror.

// sometimes you told me of how you saw me
disappear in front of your eyes
when you dreamt of eternity.


Dreaming is for people who can’t believe in the world. You had told me that once, when I was still writing love songs. I told you that to write love songs you needed to dream. You had countered me with a laugh, and that was that.

That time I was still in love with the notion of someone thinking that I was precious (because in the end the only thing which humans truly want is love). The notion that there was someone out there who craved for your existence was intoxicating.

I was in love with that idea as much as I was in love with the glimmer in your eyes.

Now I don’t write love songs, can’t write love songs anymore because it’s getting harder to dream ever since you started invading my mind.


Essentially colours are all the same thing. Just remnants of a magnificent spectrum that we sprayed onto the huge billboard in the middle of town -- we have decided not to die -- when we still felt young and filled with hopes for the future. We had caught the train into an unknown country town and painted over our faces with red and yellow (and I had painted shooting stars in my eyes so I could be like you).

That night I dreamed of you, screaming and screaming covered with red, covered with all the colours of the rainbow. Save me, you were mouthing, save me and I looked at you, unsure because you had never asked me for help, not even in my dreams.

You were lying down on the floor covered with blood, so much blood and then you were standing and turning to walk away, your dark hair fluttering behind you. When I stared at your small back heading further and further away from me I almost felt something as my heart broke for the first time.

But I wouldn’t know that until I saw you again.


.i whisper to your form
on the ground--
--I thought you were for eternity.
.but you weren’t (and it wasn’t the 
first time you had lied to me)

& i think i made you tangible when i lifted the blade and sunk it down.

FINIS. // 11.10.07 -->

fandom: je, oneshot, pairing: nishikido ryo/ueda tatsuya

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