What a Life

Mar 03, 2006 21:59

ok well shit has reallly been fucked up lately... I dont know what the hell is going on in my life but on the real I am about to have a nervous break down. Between dealing with my aunt's nut case of a dude.... an him talking some crazy shit to me, my mom popping up missing again. Cant pay my fine, my car is still fucked up.
Man I just dont know anymore... I mean....
CAN I FUCKING LIVE? CAN I ** looks up at sky **
NO NO NO I guess I can't. I guess it makes much sense in my life to just live in pure hell. Its almost like I was ment to live this way an it feels like I have no other options. An most importantly where the FUCK are my friends... oh yah I know... they have there heads up other peoples ass's. No now a days it cost to much to care...ya know im just sitting here shaking my head because I cant belive people sometimes. I know I lost contact with a few, but there is still ways to get ahold of me... the phone goes both fucking ways an I have tried to talk to several of you... an you know whats its all good. MY DAYS OF CARING ARE OVER....so next time you wanna talk to me an I am a bitch to you.. do me a favor. PULL YOUR GOD DAMN HEAD OUT OF YOUR ASS'S OR WHO EVER THE FUCKS ASS YOUR HEAD IS IN AN PISS THE FUICK OFF... AN IM GIVING YOU THE MIDDLLE FINGER RIGHT AS WE FUCKING SPEAK YOU BITCH'S. PICTURE THIS...I KNOW RIGHT NOW YOU SEE ME FLIPPING YOU OFF.
YAH THATS RIGHT FUCK YOU, YOU FUCKING FUCKS. An yes if i had a mother i would kiss her with this fucking mouth. I am Lisa hear me roar you douche bag fuckers.

enough said.

ohhhh I gonna say it again but i'll say it now.....Auuuuuu FUCK AUHHHHH YOU
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