Character Information

Apr 10, 2010 14:28

Canon Source: Teen Titans
Canon Format: Animated series
Character's Name: Red X
Character's Age: Between 18-22

What form will your character's NV take? An all-black version of a Teen Titans communicator, emblazoned with a red 'x'.

Character's Canon Abilities: Red X is a highly skilled thief and acrobat, though not superhumanly so. He is also trained in multiple hand-to-hand combat styles, apparently able to keep up with Robin.
Conditional: If your character has no superhuman canon abilities, what dormant ability will you give them? Adoptive muscle memory/muscle mimicry: The ability to replicate any physical action after seeing it performed once. He can only do things within his physical limit, and no superhuman abilities can be mimicked. If he dies, he loses all of the abilities he memorized with his power.
Weapons: Red X's suit, created by Robin, is powered by xenothium, a rare ore that allows its wearer to generate X's as any kind of weapon, either solid or in an energy form. The most common uses include shuriken, close-combat blades, restraints through adhesion or movement restriction, doorways, electro-disruptors and electrocution-causing devices. The suit also appears to enhance strength, offers durable armored protection, mask the wearer's voice, and gives the wearer the ability to teleport. To quote Beast Boy on the matter, "Dude! You think you gave this guy enough gadgets?!"

Character History: Originally, Red X was only a costume, used by Robin in a plan to get close to Slade's operations. The identity of Red X was that of a master thief, with a high-tech suit and skills that combined to make him a dangerous combatant and nearly unstoppable burglar, who happened to be stealing the same computer chips that Slade was after. After Robin failed to trick Slade completely, and risked losing the trust of his teammates due to his ploy, he locked the costume away in a high-security vault, in an unknown location, though presumably in Titans Tower.

More than a year later, the costume was stolen by a thief of unknown identity. The thief was able to bypass the security measures Robin had put in place, proving his skill before even getting the suit. He apparently understood that the suit was powered by xenothium, as his first encounter with the Titans took place when he stole a scanner that could locate all sources of the substance within a 10-mile radius. The Titans attempted to stop and apprehend them, but he proved to be just as formidable as Robin was in the suit, able to subdue them all single-handedly, even matching Robin in hand-to-hand combat. Though the suit's teleporter briefly malfunctioned, Red X was nonetheless able to make a clean getaway, leaving the Titans wondering who exactly he was.

The next encounter with the Titans continued to prove Red X's abilities as a thief, fighter, and tactician, slowing them down long enough to make a bee-line for a cache of xenothium, then eluding them until surprising Robin and goading him into an acrobatic battle along the way to the storage vault for the ore. He tricked Robin into being the target of the automated defense systems, meanwhile bypassing them to load up enough xenothium to keep the suit running for some time. Once Robin caught up with him, they engaged in an equally pitched battle, Red X lobbing comments that Robin was "taking life way too seriously", and that he wasn't "playing the big villain", just being a thief and taking care of himself. He then threatened to trip the suit's power core if Robin didn't stand down, a move that would have killed numerous people in the process. Robin attempted to call the bluff, but before either could make a move, they were both incapacitated by Professor Chang's thugs, who stole nearly all the xenothium ore.

Before Red X could regain consciousness, Robin moved him to a lockdown area, temporarily imprisoning him to give him a lecture about his selfishness and to keep him until after the Boy Wonder had dealt with Chang. Red X responded that "some guys don't like to play the hero," and contemplated his makeshift prison. It's not presently known how he freed himself, but he arrived at Chang's hideout in the nick of time, shorting out Chang's disintigrator ray before he could fire it on the captured Starfire, and catching Robin from a perilous drop. When confronted with his own words about playing the hero, Red X merely retorted, "doesn't mean I don't know how." He fought Chang's thugs alongside Robin in a John Woo-esque sequence, proving once again to be Robin's equal in combat. After taking Chang out, Red X made to escape with the xenothium, only to be blocked by the Titans, with Robin holding Red X's stolen belt, which contained the system that ran the suit. Complementing Robin on his guile, he detonated a container of xenothium, falling away in the resulting explosion and escaping into the sewers below. The xenothium was returned, and Robin locked away the belt, hoping that it would keep Red X from being a problem.

For some time, Red X apparently laid low, though a series of thefts were pinned on him due to Control Freak having created numerous remote-controlled robots disguised as the thief. The Titans found the evidence to put all the blame back on Control Freak, clearing Red X of the crimes. During this time, he apparently regained his belt, along with some xenothium, though it's unknown just how much he obtained. He also was spotted in Steel City, though the details of his time there are unknown.

He wouldn't show up again until a situation between the Titans and Ding Dong Daddy, where the latter challenged the former to a drag race for the prize, a titanium-alloy, encrypted-lock briefcase belonging to Robin and containing something incredibly valuable to him. Partway through the race, Red X joined in, apparently interested in gaining the prize only to sell it to the highest bidder. He engaged Robin in some aggressive driving techniques, including vehicular combat, while maintaining a neck-and-neck position with him directly behind Ding Dong Daddy's car.

Moments before Robin could grab the case, Ding Dong Daddy coated the road with ice, and dropped numerous explosive mines. Both Robin and Red X avoided the mines and the icicles on the slick surface, with Red X pulling ahead just in time to get caught by an exploding mine. Robin saved him, pulling him onto the Robin-cycle in the nick of time. Red X asked Robin if the contents of the case were really that important, which Robin confirmed. He then told Robin to go get it, and teleported off of the bike, heading back to take on the other villainous racers and take them out of the race, one by one. When destroying Gizmo's vehicle, the villain asked him what side he was on. Red X simply replied, "mine." He then bumped into Raven and Starfire, giving them a message before teleporting away.

"Tell Robin, we're even... for now."
Point in Canon: Immediately post-canon

Character Personality: Red X seems to be a creature of impulse, devoted to only looking out for himself. He desires to be neither a hero or a villain, though his actions make him a bit of both. He takes whatever he wants, and feels no allegiance to anyone but himself. He enjoys his work, and takes a very relaxed approach to being a thief, even calling other people too serious, and saying they need to lighten up.

He does seem to have respect for people's actions and privacy at times. When Robin explains how important the briefcase is, Red X simply tells him to go get it, and proceeds to eliminate most of his competition in the race for it. He claims it evens the debt for saving his life, but he didn't seem motivated until he knew how much it meant to Robin.

Though a thief, he is not a murderer, and will save a life if it's in his power. He "knows how to play the hero," though he's not fond of doing so often, and can even be reliable if his goals and someone else's coincide. The difficulty with Red X is knowing just what his goals are, as he likely won't reveal them until he's all but achieved them.

He seems to view himself as older than the Titans, referring to them all as "kids." He also expresses a bit of a flirtatious side, calling Starfire "cutie" and saying that "the only crime is that they haven't gone out on a date."
Character Plans: A truly chaotic neutral individual could find a very comfortable place in Siren's Pull, sticking his fingers in whatever pies strike his fancy and playing all sides against the middle to get what he wants. He's the ultimate unknown quantity, with no one being able to guess his motivations or predict his actions. He'd started along this path during his previous stay in Siren's Port, so I'm looking to continue this.

Appearance/PB: Red X. When not in the suit, his PB will be Joseph Gordon-Levitt.

Writing Samples

First Person Sample Hey, kids. Looks like I'm a long way from home, unless the city started a major renovation project.

One that got the whole of Jump moved to an island.


And by renovation, I mean degradation. Okay, it's not Jump in the least. There's both good and bad to that, so let's just go with the good. New faces, new opportunities.

Looks like I'll be doing some exploring of this city.

See you around.

Third Person Sample For every carefully calculated movement taken, there's always a chance of it going awry. For every properly laid-out scheme, there's always an element of randomness that can throw the entire plan out the window.

Sometimes, it's just a brief moment of carelessness. Sometimes, it's a severe oversight. And once in a grand while, it's a calculated ploy.

The alarms were tripped moments after the dark shape descended through the skylight. A rather blatant entrance for a so-called 'master thief,' but sometimes one needs the attention. And the skull-masked Red X was making a hard grab for the spotlight this evening. He landed silently, just before the blaring klaxons alerted the nearby security teams to his presence. He waited, standing in the center of the room, for the armed guards to arrive, and simply put his hands up the moment all guns were trained on him.

"Hold it right there," one of the guards barked.

"Oh, I planned on it." He flicked his thumb, revealing a computer chip palmed within. "Was gonna hold onto this for a long time."

"Shit, FIRE!" The order was yelled, and the guns began reporting, flashing in the darkened room. X, however, was just that much faster, leaping into the air and over their heads, a few shots tearing through his ragged cape as he cartwheeled through the air. Before his feet touched the ground, he faded out of sight, appearing a few yards away in the hallway that, moments before, the guards had poured out of.

"You coming, or am I going to have to play by myself?" Not waiting for a response, he darted down the hall, barked orders and rushing footsteps following close behind him. He pressed his palms against the walls as he ran by, leaving a trail of red glue behind him. Sticky tendrils shot out, stretching across the hallway to slow down the guards on his heels. Sure enough, he heard numerous curses and general confusion behind him, before the chase continued. Turning another corner, he waited for a few moments before lining the floor with shuriken, then took off again. As the guards neared his second trap, he took the computer chip from his belt, and stuck it to another wall with a palm-full of glue. He turned down a side-hallway, setting another, glaringly obvious trap just within sight of the key, and waiting to hear the boots down the hall.

His finger rested against his belt buckle, and in another moment, he disappeared with a casual tap.

Again he was standing where he'd entered the building, all the guards having chased after him to track down the chip that was, in all honesty, useless. Useless to him, at least. The real gem was right under the spotlight, a keygen device that could crack most mid-level coding programs with relative ease. No use to himself, but...

Grabbing it, he fired a grappling line back through the skylight, zipping back up into the night air.

"Now it's time to find a buyer." With a leap and a fade, Red X disappeared into the darkness.

info, ooc

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