Oct 29, 2008 10:39
I got PLD75! and my DRK is 50! and I got Homam Hands! And I'm 2/3 on like 8 different Salvage pieces D: and...Maew moved to China so we never get to do stuff with him :( and we did Splitting Heirs 4x but only won once but we got witch sash from the win! and...Tsola is 14/15 Morrigans! and Arc is like 13 or 14/15 on Usu! and Seeko has a lot of stuff too...He got Enkidu leggings and harness and something else i forget! and I got my Naglering! and...we did ZNM Hydra x2 and got Alkalurops and Enkidu Cap but I gave both away even tho it was my pop! and...I got BLM AF2 pants finally! and whm hands! (woo I can store my stupid WHM AF2!) OH! and tso got RDM HAT! yay!
There's a bunch of other stuff but I forget :(