May 30, 2006 04:39
This is why I don't practice religion.
There is a man on TV right now with a toll free number asking people to make a 1,000 dollar vow to god. He is saying that maybe at one point you might have made a 100 dollar vow but it's not enough, "you need to make a 1,000 dollar vow right now as I speak, live on television." Then he spoke gibberish for 2 seconds and closed his eyes then paused and said "thank you lord." Then continued talking.
This is complete bullshit. Using peoples beliefs for your own benefit is disgusting. He continues to say that if you make a 1,000 dollar vow that you have a lot of faith in god and that god will do something good for you.
For those of you that are going to tell me "thats the dark side of religion" I know it is. But this dark side makes me hate it so much that the light side doesn't look good either.
So fuck this guy. If there is a god I should have a gauranteed place in heaven for my realization of this guys complete and utter douche baggery. And no, it is not a compliment because it's a hygentic product, it's an insult because it's a product that soaks up filth you fuckin dweeb.