Title: A Fling for Charlie
Fandom: Numb3rs
Rating: K+
Summary: Don tries to find Charlie a girl.
Word challenge: "Discovery" at
numb3rs100Words: 100
“I found one. She’s staring at you.”
“No, she’s staring at you.”
“Charlie, are you even looking?”
“Yes, right there.”
“…uh, well that one is staring at me, but that one-“
“Oh, I see her. She cute.”
“Go talk to her.”
”Don, why don’t you talk to her?”
“I’m busy finding a fling for you.”
“She’s... not my type.”
“She’s everyone’s type, Charlie. Just look at her.”
“I’m looking.”
“And you’re not interested?”
“...I’m not interested.”
“She’s gorgeous and staring at you. And she’s not a prostitute.”
“What else could you want?”
“A guy.”
“A… oh.”
A/N: Yeah, I'm sure you all saw it coming. It was fun to write, anyways.