Jan 21, 2010 20:15
Let me preface this by saying when a conversation turns to any even slightly sketchy gray-area moral issues I’m pretty much useless. I certainly have opinions, but usually about halfway through my argument I realize hey, the other guy makes a pretty good point. And then? Then I’m just confused.
Yesterday a friend of mine brought up the fact that it’s way more taboo for a guy to punch a girl than vice versa, or even than for a guy to punch another guy. Honestly, the reason seemed obvious to me (what with your average girl being somewhat less buff than your average guy). To him though, it seemed an unfair double standard. Unfortunately, my suggestion that perhaps he thought that way because if anyone ever punched him in the face he would probably fall down and cry was not taken particularly well.
This is one of those cases where I find myself basically going around in circles. Yes of course, men and women are technically equal as persons and what have you, but on the other hand, obviously most women can’t take a punch in the face as well as a guy, and really, do women usually antagonize other guys in the same way? I think not. Then again, sometimes the way women antagonize guys almost seems worse, and really, hitting someone is hitting someone, and I’m sure some guys who get clocked don’t deserve it at all. Do we protect them less just because of their gender? SEE? CONFUSING.
Though, really, any five-year-old can probably tell you hitting is bad. Shouldn’t it just be common practice not to punch anyone in the face, regardless of gender?
This is why I will never take a philosophy course.
This conversation went on in circles and loops and figure eights for an embarrassingly long time. And by 3 am I was like, wait. You need to realize we just spent four hours having this conversation because earlier you watched a youtube clip of a girl named Snookie getting punched in the face by an over-tanned douchebag. And he was like, yup, we sure did. We’ll re-convene tomorrow.
I am clearly not the only one with problems.
this is me being all deep