Title: Shelter
Pairing: Jiyong/Seungri
Rating: PG-13
Summary: He misses each train and sits back down, knowing his shoes are too big, his suitcase empty but large enough to fit one person.
Notes: AU: The one where the boys are in a rock band! Has it been done before? I bet it has.
...don't you think it's time we left already? )
maan, the sasaengs scare the hell out of me, I've always wondered how they deal with them. there's this recent JYJ "scandal" breaking out and I really do wonder what I'd do if i had people trailing after me in cabs every time i got out of the house. hide in my basement forever and ever I guess. feed on crisps and cookie batter.
yes! inception!big bang. somebody should write a crossover. SOMEBODY WRITE ME A CROSSOVER!
i'll never understand the character of jiyong either. i think he does it on purpose :P
XD even in the basement you wouldn't be safe
YES.Seungri would be the forger because he can put on a mask easily.
Damn confusing characters are always the most interesting.
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