Title: Shelter
Pairing: Jiyong/Seungri
Rating: PG-13
Summary: He misses each train and sits back down, knowing his shoes are too big, his suitcase empty but large enough to fit one person.
Notes: AU: The one where the boys are in a rock band! Has it been done before? I bet it has.
...don't you think it's time we left already? )
ugh where do I start.Well first of all I read extremely slowly to delay the fatidic moment where it would end lol
Yes it's pretty confusing at times,but I guess that with the quality of your prose and of your characterisation it doesn't seem very important.
I love the fact that you mentioned bloody letters.It's funny how authors use over-dramatic events when really,if you want to deal with angst,you can just pick something that they have to face everyday like sasaengs.
Seungri and the projections in his dreams reminded me of Inception I'm a part of too much fandoms
Lord Of The Flies:I don't know why,it's a book that always make me think of The long goodbye.
Seungri can’t tell when Jiyong is cheating and he doesn’t know that Sinatra’s version of Yesterday will one day make him cry in a gas station.
ugh you know how to break people's hearts don't you ?haha
I think I'm going to reread it to see if I get more things,though I think I will never quite understand the character of Jiyong.
About The long goodbye:
maan, the sasaengs scare the hell out of me, I've always wondered how they deal with them. there's this recent JYJ "scandal" breaking out and I really do wonder what I'd do if i had people trailing after me in cabs every time i got out of the house. hide in my basement forever and ever I guess. feed on crisps and cookie batter.
yes! inception!big bang. somebody should write a crossover. SOMEBODY WRITE ME A CROSSOVER!
i'll never understand the character of jiyong either. i think he does it on purpose :P
XD even in the basement you wouldn't be safe
YES.Seungri would be the forger because he can put on a mask easily.
Damn confusing characters are always the most interesting.
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