Title: Cryogenics
Pairing: Jonghyun/Minho
Note: Written for shawol_haven's twenty-first challenge, for both prompts. Even though I'm not really sure it counts as an AU. It does, in my book, but most my books are weird.
tell us about the trench coat )
Being on the inside of the cellar, i am positive that i will wither and die miserably if you ever do.
But really. Reading you is such a teeming experience that it's almost like death. I WOULD KNOW.
On a very insignificant (minho) note, because it's too early for me to be chatty and yet here i am, do you know that thing where you read something and it might be good, it might not be, but at the end you realise there are holes really? Besides everything? I'm not sure how to phrase it, but it leaves you strangely unsatisfied like missing the things-that-ARE-there. As opposed to things you put there. That give it a shape, make it material. They are the slightest things most of the time.
Yeah, i.cannot.fathom.HOW.MUCH. that isn't the case with you. It's like everything is so whole in your brain. Like you have cameras set in a hundred different angles and can do shitloads of simultaneous takes and then piece it all together into something that is more than 3D. Into something that has a whole block around it, and then a world with millions of shots to show for it that you won't even need. It grounds it, i don't know, it hits with more precision. LIKE JOHN GROUNDS SHERLOCK. what even.
You have no idea what i'm talking about, have you? I have not explained it at all but i swear, it makes sense in my head. And if you haven't seen this reading i doubt you would understand this whole insanity anyway, even though you do it more (maybe a better word than better- either it's there or it's not) than anyone.
Because i need to be everywhere. Obvious. *SH*
the day will come when i'll phone you and go "get in the car, john. i would make some sort of threat, but i'm sure your situation is quite clear to you."
and then everything will be mycroftXcake otp and nothing will hurt.
on another note, you misled youth and your ability of finding quality where there is none.
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